Book 3: Chapter #9

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When Natasha and Steve were finished catching up, they left the couple together as they headed back to the hotel. Y/N's hand held a mug of coffee in it, the heat was enough for most people to feel it burning their hands, but Y/N was showing now indication that he could feel it. Wanda was resting with her head on Y/N's shoulder while she looked at her boyfriend who was in deep thought.

"Everything okay, Babe?" Wanda asked as Y/N nodded.

"Wanda, if we can't deliver results to Ross, they're gonna come for us, we'll be fugitives, and they'll hunt us down." Y/N said solemnly as Wanda let out a sigh.

"I know, but if we do have to go on the run, then we'll do it together, and at least we'll have each other." Wanda said as Y/N smiled and put the mug down on the coffee table before running his hand through Wanda's hair, kissing her on the top of the head. "We'd best think of a way to investigate Agnes."

Wanda stood up and headed for the kitchen to make herself some breakfast.

"We could always ask if we can visit for dinner or something?" Y/N suggested as Wanda thought about it for a moment.

"That might seem a bit suspicious...wait, we need a big row." Wanda said as Y/N looked at her confused.

"We need a what now?" Y/N said as Wanda rolled her eyes. 

"We pretend to have a big row, and I leave the house and go to Agnes crying, saying I need to get away from you for a while, she takes me in and I look around." Wanda explained as Y/N hummed in agreement.

"So, what are we gonna argue about, it'll have to be big enough to be believable." Y/N said as Wanda looked at him. They both looked down at Wanda's stomach, remembering their morning activities. 

After a good amount of planning their lines, Y/N and Wanda both stormed into the living room and began the argument.

"You're not even willing to consider it!" Wanda yelled at the top of her voice, her Sokovian accent kicking in.

"Yeah, I'm not, I don't want to have a kid yet, I don't care how much you argue and ask, the answer is no!" Y/N shouted back as Wanda gave a shocked expression before it turned to anger.

"Fuck you!" Wanda yelled as she walked off to grab a bag of belongings to make the break up more convincing.

"That's the issue, I don't want to fuck you right now, at least not without protection or birth control! Why are we always having to do what you want?!" Y/N snapped as Wanda let out an annoyed growl before leaving out the door and walking away, slamming the door in Y/N's face.

Y/N watched for a moment as Wanda headed to Agnes' door and knocked. Agnes welcomed a teary eyed Wanda into her house as Y/N kept out of sight in the window.

"She's good enough to be an actor." Y/N remarked to himself as Agnes' door shut. He headed to his and Wanda's room to get changed into something more...suited.

Wanda was sat in Agnes' living room letting fake tears stream down her face, the traumatic memories that drove her to nearly committing suicide, now she was using them to make herself cry to keep up her cover.

Agnes was consoling her as she wrapped a blanket around Wanda.

"Now now, dear, I'm sure you'll both get through it."

"He wouldn't even consider having a child." Wanda wept as Agnes put her arms around Wanda.

"Come on, let's go have a look in the cellar, I've got a selection of wines, that'll sort you right out." Agnes said as Wanda nodded. Following Agnes down into the cellar, quick dialling Y/N on her phone but keeping the volume on silent.

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