Book 4: Chapter #3

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As Y/N walked towards The Scarlet Witch, he looked at her and saw she was unlike his Wanda, she was broken by grief, by guilt.

"Wanda? What are you doing here?" Y/N asked calmly as Wanda looked at him.

"Y/N? Is that you?"

"Well, a version of me." Y/N said as Wanda looked at him.

"You know, my Y/N is dead. Killed in battle. My children too, I just want to bring them back Y/N."

"By causing for others the same pain that you feel right now? And what about when they do that to someone else, and then the next one, and then the next, all until eventually it comes full circle back to you, when you least expect it."

"I don't care about other people, I want my family back!"

"They were created in Westview weren't they? Part of the hex?"

"Yes but-"

"That was the Darkhold, Wanda, playing on your dreams, your hopes, your fears, that's how it gets to you Wanda, it taints you, and if you let that cunt of a book take control, it will stop you from having children." Y/N said as Wanda looked at him. "You can still have your kids Wanda, but you have to give up the book. This multiverse stuff, I'm sure that out there there's a Y/N who lost Wanda in battle, or a universe where your family is alive, if I take you to them, will you go peacefully?"

"Wh- Why are you helping me?" Wanda was suspicious as Y/N looked at her.

"Because you need help." Y/N said as Wanda looked at him. She nodded. "America, come here."

Strange rushed up and tried to argue with him.

"Y/N, she could just as easy betray you-"

"She could say the same about us, but I'm not betraying her, and I have to put my hope in her. For once in your life Strange, don't look into the future and just take a gamble." Y/N said as Strange glanced at Wanda before nodding.

America approached and Y/N looked at her.

"Can you find the universe where her family lived?" Y/N asked as America looked at him.

"Look, it's not like a google filter search, it's just a random universe."

"Point? We go through them until we find the right one. Who know's maybe we'll find the one I want on the way." Y/N said as America looked at him.

"I think I'll take Stranges advise on the multiverse over yours, you're clearly an idiot out of your league." America said dismissively as Y/N had enough of people dismissing his lack of magic as stupidity.

"Listen 'ere you little snotty nosed cunt, I've been trapped in a magical hex, survived death and gone to a pocket universe in Westview, I know what I'm doing, so stop talking to me like I'm fuckin' stupid and give me everything you know. Because I feel like one more person talking to me like I'm an idiot might just make me kill that person! I don't give a fuck about your little sob story, 'my parents are dead' fucking boo hoo! Everybody's lost somebody they care about, everybody's got a fuckin sob story, Wanda's lost everyone she ever cared about, Strange lost his hands and recently lost Christine, my Wanda was kidnapped and she's pregnant with my child, and the same people put my entire family in fucking critical condition. All of us here have lost something, what makes us who we are is what we do with that grief, Strange used the grief to shove a stick up his arse, Wanda went off the rails, who'd blame her! I've butchered an entire species in one year, fought off an invasion of earth, so far all I've fuckin' seen from you is some scared little kid running from her problems and turning them into everyone elses problems!"

America looked shocked as Strange shook his head and Scarlet Witch looked concerned.

"Now there are people in another universe trying to fucking kill you, and right now we're your best shot at survival, you don't like me and I don't like you, but that don't change fuck all, we  work together and when everything is over you can fuck off, until them we're stuck together." Y/N snapped as he looked to America. "Open the fuckin' portal."

America was intimidated into opening the portal and walked through, with Y/N and the group following closely behind as they began to navigate the multiverse...

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