Book 4: Chapter #2

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"Hi. I'm America Chavez."

Y/N looked at the girl and then to Strange.

"So she's named after good old US of A, why should I give two fucks right now?" Y/N said heartlessly as Strange sighed.

"Because she's been chased from another universe into ours, she's apparently being chased by a crazy version of Wanda. One who had kids in the hex but gave them and her boyfriend up to save Westview, she became corrupted by the Darkhold." Steve said as Y/N looked at him.

"Brilliant, but I'll wait for the book and film to come out, until then cut to the fuckin' chase because if you want my help you're not getting it, I've got enough fuckin' problems." Y/N said coldly as Strange rolled his eyes.

"She can travel across the multiverse, I.E. she can help you find your Wanda and rescue her along with the people responsible for the Avengers' current conditions." Strange explained as Y/N sighed.

"Why didn't you say that to begin with instead of the previously on things I couldn't give a shit about?" Y/N said sarcastically as Strange shook his head, he opened a portal behind Y/N.

"Come back when you grow up." Strange said as he shoved Y/N through the portal. Y/N found himself on the other side of town.

"Fucking dickhead." Y/N remarked to himself as he began the long walk back to the sanctum. When he arrived back at the sanctum he opened the door and looked at Strange. Y/N walked up to Strange and America. "Talk."

"I can open portals through the multiverse, so I'm thinking that if I help you get what you want, you can help protect me from Evil Wanda until this all blows over." America said as Y/N looked to Strange.

"How do you want me to help, I'm not a super soldier anymore." Y/N asked as Strange looked at him.

"We take her to Kamar-Taj. Gather our forces and hold off Wanda as best as we can until we think of something." Strange said as Y/N nodded and Strange opened a portal to Kamar-Taj, America stepped through, Strange went to follow her until Y/N stopped him.

"Don't ever push me through a portal like that again." Y/N said ominously as he stepped through the portal into the temple.

When they arrived at the temple they saw wizards all standing guard with shields and swords made of magic as Y/N found a quiet corner and began preparing his weapons.

As he was cleaning his weapons, America approached him.

"So, you're Y/N? Wanda's boyfriend/husband?" She said as Y/N looked up at her.

"No, I'm Donald fucking Duck." Y/N said bluntly as he looked back at his weapons and continued to clean them.

"Look, I don't know why you hate me, or why you hate Strange, but I didn't do whatever it is that you think I did-"

"I'm guessing you're the only one who can travel between universes, right?" Y/N asked coldly.

"Yes, so-"

"So how the fucking hell did Mordo manage to come from whatever universe he's from to kidnap my pregnant wife? More to the point...why?" Y/N said as he looked at the girl.

"I don't know, I've never met this Mordo-"

"I never disputed that, but he used your power to kidnap my wife, and now I'm meant to defend someone who has the power to take us to my wife who in turn could help us sort out this situation." Y/N said as he looked to America who was offended.

"Look asshole, I didn't plan for this, I don't want any of this!"

"I didn't either, I wanted to be spending the day with Wanda after I'd just come back from a mission, I didn't want to have to babysit you." Y/N said bluntly as he reassembled his gun.

America was about to speak when they were interrupted by Strange.

"She's here, Y/N, are you ready?"

"Let me try and talk her down first. She may not be the Wanda from this universe, but she's still Wanda. I have to try." Y/N said as he stepped out into the courtyard and walked through the crowd of wizards that were all waiting for the first move to be made. 

Y/N approached the Scarlet Witch, praying that he could talk her down...

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