"Yep, on it," Hacker replied immediately.

"And then it's just the matter of deciding the quantity we'll order and the safe location we'll have it delivered. Sheaf and Meteor, we'll be working on that," he concluded with a small tip of his head. "Any questions?"

All of them shook their heads simultaneously.

"You guys are sure right?"

Another chorus of head shaking ensued at that.

"Alright then, let's get to work. If you guys have any doubts, don't hesitate to voice them to the others." X announced before clapping his hands twice, signalling them to start working on their respective tasks.

Hacker drifted back to the comfy chair she had occupied earlier and started fiddling with multiple screens she had pulled out of her pockets. Sheaf, X and Meteor headed towards a corner of the room, dragging three lightweight chairs behind them.

They arranged the chairs neatly in a circle and settled down comfortably. Then X pulled out a little red notebook he carried out specifically for planning and opened it to a new page. He wrote down both the questions they were going to be puzzling over, then leaned forward expectantly.

"I think the first item we should focus on is the quantity. This will just take a few seconds, so we'll quickly get it out of the way. So, any ideas on this?" X asked, writing device poised over the blank paper.

"Five units," Sheaf answered. "I think it's the perfect amount. Neither too huge nor too small to make them look too much into our intentions. we'll just tell them that we're planning to attack some high-profile hotel in the country or something."

X nodded thoughtfully, writing down the information and frowning at it. "Yes, this should work." he deduced finally. "Your logic seems valid enough for them."

Sheaf allowed himself a small pat on the back before gesturing for X to move on with the discussion.

"And as for the safe location, there are a few shortlisted safehouses ACE has been keeping an eye on for the past few years. Wait, I'll just pull it up so we can view it easily," he informed them and placed a hologram chip on his knee and tapped on it, causing a map of their area to pop up and fill the room with its neon green colours.

X raised his hand and started twirling them around in the air, causing the map to continuously expand and contract in response to his movements. Sheaf and Meteor stared at the map keenly, studying it carefully to analyze all the safe spots and their pros and cons.

At last, X settled on a size for the map and let his arm drop to his side. Sheaf and Meteor took this moment to question him on the locations on the map ACE had marked and their relevance to the weapons suppliers.

He patiently answered all of them, at times referring to his notebook to make sure he was getting the details right. They were starting to shortlist the possible safehouses they could get their intel from and kept referring to the notes that were forming along in X's notebook to make sure they were on the right track.

Soon they were able to round off the nearest safe spot they could use to trap the agents, and now all they needed to do was confirm the final details with Hacker's part of the mission as well.

"Hacker? Are you nearly done with your tasks?" Sheaf called out loudly, snapping Hacker from the daze she'd settled into. She looked up with a disoriented look on her face, taking a few moments to process the question, before shaking her head and looking back at her screens again.

Agent XWhere stories live. Discover now