Pendrives and jackets

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They were on high alert, again and again glancing at the screen at the slightest movement

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They were on high alert, again and again glancing at the screen at the slightest movement. But for a while it was only the coffee house staff coming in for supplies.

During lunchtime, X went over to get trays for them both. When he came back, for once Hacker wasn't working on her screen. She was bent over a few mechanical parts, screwdriver in hand, building something. X approached her and looked at what she was doing.

She was building, or rather, modifying a pen drive. Right now, she was attaching some sort of chip in a corner of the drive. Then she plugged it into a screen and typed in some code. X doubted whether Hacker had even noticed his presence. She was so dedicated to her work.

When she was done she plugged it out, grinned joyfully and spun her chair in circles, waving the drive in the air. X cleared his throat to announce his presence before she could do something even more embarrassing. She abruptly stopped and faced him; poker-faced.

'Why hello there Agent X. I'm afraid I hadn't seen you coming in.' She exclaimed in a fake accent, attempting to cover up her childish moment. He decided to play along. 'Yes, um, I just came in actually.' Hacker nodded solemnly

'What is that in your hand?' X asked, trying to change the conversation to make Hacker feel better. She immediately brightened up. 'Oh, this old thing? It's a rather ingenious move from me. If you manage to plug it into a computer, I'll be able to get access to all the files in that system.'

X frowned. 'It's an interesting idea. But, uh, what's so special about it? These days you can get these kinds of software even in a cheap tech store.' He remarked, trying his best to not sound too harsh.

Hacker put a hand over her heart and sighed. 'People these days. So very particular and picky over details. Well, Agent-hard-to-impress, this device first of all has a sophisticated tracker in it. It can't be detected by ordinary scanners, so chances are minuscule that people will discover it. So, it will give us invaluable data. Second... well, I'll have to show you this one.' She said and pressed a button below the pen drive. Immediately, it shrank drastically, to the size of his pinky fingernail. He raised his eyebrows slightly. Now it was getting interesting.

Hacker grinned and placed the pen drive in his hand. It was even lighter than it looked. 'So what I thought of is that your bee can carry this around because it's extremely light in weight. Then when it finds an appropriate device, it can just plug it in easily. It also has, like, super sensors which will give me basic info about all the gadgets in the room it's present in, so we don't have to plug it into every machine in the place. And I've drastically reduced the data load time, so the drive will only have to stay in the device for 10 seconds.'

'Okay. Now that is impressive. Did you do all this just last night?'

'Nah, not really. This has been a huge project of mine for quite some time. Never had the opportunity to use it, till now. And anyway, miniature technology takes a long, long time to implement'

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