Execution and trouble

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'I'm in

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'I'm in.' X muttered as softly as he could. He had walked into the coffee shop at around 3:15. Plenty of time to spare and keep a watch on the proceedings. He settled down at his regular table, ordered a coffee and waited patiently.

3:30. It was finally time to get into position now. He stood up and walked over to the hiding place he'd discovered the last time he came here. Waiting, waiting. Then he saw someone walking in and tensed, ready for a fight.

'It's him, X.' Hacker's tense voice reached his ears. He calculated the moment and place he would have to attack, to not be seen by any cameras.

Five more steps, four more, three, two, one...

X pounced up like a cheetah and tackled the man to the ground. He quickly pressed his napkin over his mouth. The man struggled for a few seconds, before going limp in his arms. He wasn't dead. Only paralyzed long enough to serve X's purposes.

X looked at the time. 3:35. He would have to hurry now. He first pulled out the guy's coat and pulled it on. Luckily, there didn't seem to be any uniform here, so clothes weren't an issue.

Next, he whipped out Hacker's device and scanned him. The device whirred at a maddeningly slow pace until it dinged. He put his hand under it and it popped out contact lenses and finger coverings. He quickly put them on, hid the guy in a hidden place he'd discovered, one he was sure no one would discover anytime soon, and quickly assumed his identity.

X took a deep breath. It was 3:45 now. He grabbed his bag, put everything in order, and walked calmly into the storage room. He looked around to make sure no one was there, then went and stood in front of the biometrics tech. He didn't even have the time to be tensed about whether this would work. In a microsecond he found himself in the same corridor they'd seen when the bee followed that woman in.

X started walking, using the blueprints his app had created to know where to go. He took a few wrong turns, and then hurriedly backtracked. He kept checking his watch in between to make sure he was on time. Hacker and Sheaf gave instructions to him every now and then, until he finally reached the weapons floor. It was kind of empty right now, it being the shift time for the VX's guards.

The only guards he would have to take care of were the ones in front of the ammunition room. He noted that there were three guards in all. They were placed relatively close to each other, so he could take them out quickly.

He walked steadily towards them, years of training ensuring that his gait was natural and relaxed. The guards didn't suspect a thing as he approached them.

He knocked one out by hitting him in the head and he crumpled to the ground. The other guards looked shocked as they pulled out guns and approached him. He didn't want the guns to be fired, as that would attract attention.

He raised his leg and did a perfect roundhouse kick, knocking the gun cleanout of a guard's hand. He quickly scooped up the gun, kicked him hard in the stomach and sent him sprawling.

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