Repercussions and backstories

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'X. Answer me. Can you hear me? X!!! Dammit X, answer me!!' Sheaf screamed into the microphone, but all he received in response was static. The worst sound in the world, according to him. It meant that the earpiece had been destroyed and he had no way of communicating with the field agent he was responsible for.

Hacker tried her best to get through to him, but the device was thoroughly ruined. It must have been destroyed in the scuffle. Now all they could do was mope around, try to figure out what the hell went wrong, and follow X through the hidden cameras.

The guards took the unconscious X through a series of hallways before dragging him into what looked suspiciously like an interrogation room.

It broke both their hearts to see X in that condition, but there was nothing they could do to help him. Hacker casually switched to the camera that was supposed to be in the room, but to their growing dismay they found out that the camera kept switching to the next hallway.

'What's happening?' Sheaf asked, though deep down he already knew. He just wanted confirmation from her. Unfortunately, she solidified his doubt.

'There is no camera in that room. That's why we're unable to hack into it.' She groaned, throwing her head back. Sheaf felt his body grow cold. X, on his own insistence, had no backup ready, and they couldn't break into the coffee shop and just stroll into HQ like that, with no ID to let them in.

'We have to alert the others immediately.' Sheaf declared and stood up. Hacker got up as well and they made their way to Tasker's room.

They barged in without knocking to find her having a meeting with a group. Embarrassed at the way they were behaving, Tasker shot them a death glare. Sheaf and Hacker gulped under its power, mumbled apologies, and hurried out of the room to wait patiently like proper professionals.

The wait was agonizingly long and horrible. They both tried not to imagine the various things X could be going through right now. But obviously, since the mind doesn't work that way, all they could think of was the various things X could be going through right now.

Finally, the door mercifully opened and the previous group poured out, some of them giving Sheaf and Hacker weird looks. They ignored the team and waited anxiously till the last person had filed out, like protocol dictated, then closed the door and knocked politely three times.

'Come in.' Tasker called like she didn't know how much of a hurry they were in. Even though it was killing them, they walked in with slow, steady steps and greeted Tasker formally.

She nodded, approving of their behaviour and asked them to sit. When she gestured for them to speak, both of them exploded at once, bursting into speech. Tasker silenced both of them with another look and gestured for Sheaf to speak.

Sheaf took a deep breath, composed himself, and told her about everything, starting from their planning, their steps, and how X went in but got captured and didn't come out. Tasker listened to it all patiently, but both of them could see that she was on the verge of screaming when they described how X was caught.

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