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I awoke.

The sun light gently seeped through the narrow gap between the two curtains of my room window. I fluttered my eyes open, adjusting to the bright light of the morning sun.

Once they were open, I threw my legs down the side of the bed, yawning and stretching. I checked the time to see it was 7:45am. I got up from the bed and slowly walked towards the bathroom to shower, gently rubbing the back of my palm on my nostrils as I yawned again.

I opened the bathroom door and stepped in, stood in front of the mirror and washed away the sleepiness from my face. I stared at my reflection and almost threw up.

Evil girls have the prettiest face alright.

Self hatred coursed through my veins and I suddenly felt the urge to break the mirror. To let my reflection be shattered, the way I truly am. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"Breath Olivia, just breath." Audrey said and I smiled up at her. She returned it with a tiny basically non-existent smile of her own, patting my back.

She stepped in front of me, grabbed her grey singlet and tore the edge. She kneeled and gently cleaned the water away. That was where I had seen my reflection.

It's not like I hated seeing myself, but sometimes my mind plays tricks on me and I can't handle seeing myself. I just get....violent with myself and hurt myself. However, Audrey was always here to help. All I had to do was close my eyes....

And breath.

I opened my eyes and looked down at the sink, instead of the mirror. I tilted my head to the side, looking for my toothbrush. It wasn't there.

I furrowed my eyebrows, the hair at the back of my head rising. Someone was here. I looked at the door, wondering who was outside. I looked around for anything I could use as a weapon, but all there was was my shampoo and towel.

I grabbed the towel and tied it on my palm. I opened the door, stepping out of the bathroom. My eyes widened.

What a very unpleasant surprise.

"Olivia." He muttered, his deep voice sounding so loud in my tiny room. I narrowed my eyes, tilting my head to the side, skeptical.




"How long do you think this plan of yours is gonna take? I don't think I can wait much longer." He said and a couple of the men around the long dark wooden table nodded in agreement.

"We have her so close, why not just capture her and torture her to death?" One of the men asked their leader. Said leader remained quiet, watching his men allow their anger get the best of them and their thirst for revenge blocking their ability to think well.

He looked at the leader at the head of the table and noticed the smile on his face, even with that, there was nothing warm about the man. You could see the darkness so prominently in his eyes.


That was what the men called him. No one knew if that was his real name or not, no one cared. Some didn't dare to ask, they were too scared he'd kill them. Just to have his eyes on you would suffocate you with fear. The man was death himself.

But he didn't fear him. To him, they were equal, only difference was he was at the head of the table and he wasn't.

"It will take a long as it needs." The leader said to him. His jaw clenched out of pure irritation. He wanted her to die as soon as possible. He wanted to see her bleed and plead for mercy. He wanted to crack her skull with his feet. And yet he couldn't because their leader wanted to play games.

The smile never disappeared from the leader's face. He could tell their anger was amusing to him. He so desperately wanted to wipe that smile clean off his face.

"So what exactly does this plan entail?" One of the men asked. The leader turned his head towards the man who had asked the question, his eyes held a glint.

"You want us to capture her and torture her physically. However, there are far worse ways to make her pay than that. We have an advantage here, and we will make use of that. She knows nothing of this organization and therefore her guards is down. She believes she's paid for her sins by simply staying in jail, but we will make her realize just how deep her crime was." He paused.

"Mind games are the best ways to make a human crazy. She's already quite screwed up and we will feed on that. The damaged woman in need of love, we'll give it to her and take it from her then I'll give her to you and you can do with her whatever you please. That is the plan." The leader finished.

He looked around the table to see that the men were all quite pleased with this plan.

Play with her head then kill her.

He considered it once again and it sounded quite impressive. He would have to be patient then. Or, maybe he didn't have to.



Short chapter, I know but I had to end it here.  Do you have any ideas on who these men could be?
And for those of you who think this book is gonna be one of those predictable books I gotta tell you, you're in for a treat. Everyday, the plot of the story changes, as I write, I think of more ideas and plot twists. So get ready for the ride of your life, the book's just getting started.

OLIVIAWhere stories live. Discover now