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I walked out of the room while adjusting my blue T-shirt. The whole apartment was so warm and cozy. The horizontal lines of the window shades allowed the sun rays to sip through them, giving the apartment a very welcoming aura.

The walls were painted a sky blue with a splash of cream. The floor was made of an elegant wooden surface. The lighting of the whole place was a bright cream. There was a balcony that overlooked the city and the doors were open.

I walked towards the balcony and placed my hand on the silver railings. The wind blew my hair backwards and a cold shiver ran down my spine. The winter was approaching. I stood there for a moment, just appreciating the beauty of the city before I was interrupted my Kevin.

"Loving the view?" He asked as he gave me a cup of hot chocolate.

"Yep." I said with an appreciative smile. I drank the beverage and it warmed my whole body from the inside. It was delicious.

He leaned on the railing so that his back was to the city and folded his arms, staring at me as I downed the whole cup.

"So, are you gonna tell me what's wrong?" He asked with a concern filled voice. I knew this was coming, but I had hoped he would wait a little longer for this conversation.

I cleared my throat and stared at the city. What was I supposed to tell him? That his dad was my mum's boyfriend and that he might want to kill me? Nope.

I was about to open my mouth when we get interrupted by Austin.

Speak of the devil.

He walked onto the balcony and paused when he saw me. He stared at me for what seemed like hours, before looking at Kevin with a raised eyebrow.

"Olivia, good to see you." He stated with a curt nod. I smiled awkwardly at him.

"Dad welcome. I'll go make you some hot chocolate." Kevin said, walking into the building after giving his dad a hug.

Austin walked towards me and imitated Kevin's position on the railing earlier. I avoided his gaze and stared straight ahead.

"You remember me now." He said. It sounded more of a statement than a question. I finally met his gaze and he smiled. I could almost see the Austin I met that day at the diner

"I do." I said and he nodded. "Don't you wanna explain why you came to my house with a gun." I said, calmly.

He grinned at me and I scoffed irritably. "I do but I can't." His grin was gone now.

"And why's that?"

"It'll only get you into more danger." I so desperately wanted to slap this man. I looked at him, like really looked at him and I could see the worry in his eyes. Just what was this danger?

"Well now I'm even more curious." I said.

"Curiosity kills the cat." He said with a small grin. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. One minute he was serious the next he was joking.

"Tell me." I said with so much venom in my voice, I almost couldn't believe it was me speaking.

Our eyes met. Bright green eyes stared at me with an unreadable emotion. He only smiled.

"Here you go." Kevin said as he walked onto the balcony. Austin gave his son a bright smile and sipped his hot chocolate.

"Well I guess I better get going." I said and Kevin glared at me. I almost smiled.

"We haven't finished talking Olivia." He said as we both walked away from the balcony. He gave his dad a nod as he closed the balcony door.


"I know." He said.

"You know what?" I asked.

"That your mum and my dad were dating once upon a time." He said with a smile.

"I also know that you were in jail and that someone is out to kill you."

He didn't know.

He couldn't.

How could he?

"None of that is true." I said.

"Don't bother lying Olivia, I already know. Even though I don't know who wants to kill you." He said.

I walked away from him and ran out of the building. I was happy he didn't chase after me.

He knew.

He knew that I was in jail, he knew I had murdered someone.

He knew.

I cried as I entered the taxi I had called. I thought I was safe, that nobody knew but Kevin knew and I was sure that Austin knew too.

My darkest secret wasn't a secret anymore. I closed my eyes and allowed the tears to fall.

"Is everything okay Miss?" The driver asked. I sniffled and managed to give him a fake smile.

"Tears of joy." I said and he smiled at me through the mirror.

He pulled over infront of my house and I tipped him.

Tears of joy.

I wish.

OLIVIAWhere stories live. Discover now