22 10 1

"Olivia you're late." Kevin said as I walked down the stairs. I decided to go to work that day. I sighed and looked at him. He was panicking, I could see it on his face. "Yeah I am." I said simply. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion at my calmness. "The last time I was late for work, she was really mad." He whispered like it was top secret. "Relax, what's the worst she can do?" I asked. He looked at me skeptically then sighed. "Okay, I guess you're right. But why were you late anyway?" He asked. He eyes were filled with concern and he had a worried expression on his face. This made me smile inwardly, if only he knew. "Bad dreams." I said. He gave me a look that meant, really? I'm not buying that. I shrugged in response. Giving him no further explanation, I walked away.

Kristen sat on one of the stools infront of the counter on the opposite side of the diner. She was eating french fries while scrolling on her phone. She looked bored, like she wanted to die, that's when I noticed that the diner was basically empty, there were just a few customers in a booth and a couple that sat at table thirteen. I walked slowly to where she was and sat down beside her, my elbows were behind me on the counter and my face towards the almost silent diner.

I just sat there for a couple of seconds before I finally tilted my head to the side and looked at her. Her red hair was in a ponytail and her bangs covered her rather beautiful forehead but, they looked good on her. Her bright green eyes were staring at me quizzically and for a brief moment I thought I saw fear flash in her eyes but be she blinked it away. "Hey." I said casually. She looked confused but she soon got angry and asked, "Why are you late? I had to take orders and work all by myself." I stared at her in amusement. Maybe she had forgotten the days I had to work alone also. Besides, I once didn't even work here. Eventually I shook my head and apologized. She looked shocked but rolled her eyes and said, "whatever." I sighed as I stood up from the stool to go tend to some customers. Why did I even try talking to her. I shook my head again.

Kevin and I chatted and gossiped for a while. We talked about him mostly. His wedding plans, his family and his plans for the future. He said he wanted to have at least four kids. I teased him about it but I had no doubt that he'd be a wonderful dad. Then we gossiped about boys and our childhood crushes. I had one named Miles, he was English and had crooked teeth. Kevin laughed at me, but he said he also had crooked teeth while growing up and it took twelve years for it to finally become normal. I asked him about how he met Xavier and he said through his dad. He said that his dad knew Xavier for a while before they met. When they met they were just friends but, he said and I quote, "Something magical happened and now we're engaged." We giggled like school girls.

I remembered what Collins said yesterday and decided to ask him about Xavier's family. He said, "He never really talks about his family and I don't bother him about it. All I know is that his dad died a few years ago and he has some other siblings I think." He said and shrugged it off like it wasn't a big deal. However, this was a big deal to me. If Xavier did infact have any siblings then it could be that Collins and he were stepbrothers. But another question popped into my head. Why would Xavier keep that from his fiance. They were getting married, so why? It was strange but I decided that it was none of my business.

"Anyway, before I started liking boys, I had one female crush." He said, giggling. "Really?" I asked, curiously and he nodded. He blushed lightly, his cheeks were a little pink. He picked at his nails nervously. Now I needed to know who this girl was. "What was she like." I asked. He looked at somewhere random then said, "She was cool, super smart. She had big eyes like you." I smiled. "She was black just like you." I grinned. "She liked to draw, one time she drew this horrible picture of me and made my glasses to big for my face. I looked like a total nerd." I snickered and he shook his head at the memory. "I had this nickname for her, she used to call me Kev and so I called her Via because her name was Olivia." I froze.


"Be quick, we have to get there early." My mum said as she dropped my boots infront of me. I bent and wore my small shoes, the shoes she got me for my eighth birthday last year. They were black boots with a little fur at the top, I absolutely loved them. It was Christmas and we were going to a diner to meet mum's new boyfriend. "I'm ready." I said as I stood straight. I eyed my mum as she emerged from her room looking dazzling. Even though the clothes were a little oversized, my mum could wear anything and still look good in it. She smiled and I returned it.

She wore a white head warmer, a black scarf was wrapped around her neck, a big white sweater with a picture of a mouse on it (Jerry from Tom and Jerry), black sweatpants that kind of looked like leggings and a pair of black boots just like mine. "Shall we?" She said enthusiastically with a smirk. I nodded, she grabbed my hand and we walked out of the house. She locked the door still holding my hand and we left.

She paid the taxi driver and we walked into a small diner. It was so comfy, everyone in it laughed and talked gingerly. You could tell it was a place of happiness. I couldn't help but smile. I looked up at my mum but her eyes were on someone, a man I assumed was her new boyfriend. He was dressed in slacks and a long sleeve T-shirt with a tie. He smiled under the dim yellow light. The light made his blonde hair shine and his brilliant green eyes pop. He was handsome, very handsome. He looked so happy to see her and then his beautiful eyes landed on me and he smiled brighter.

He walked eagerly to us and was greeted with a hug from my mum. I watched the both of them, stunned. For a moment they forgot I was there then, "Um Austin this is my daughter, Olivia. Honey, this is Austin." My mum said after she cleared her throat. He looked at me, studying me. Then he got down on one knee and said, "Olivia, you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." I looked away, blushing. "And I'm so happy that you could come-" he paused and looked at my mum. She had the happiest look on her face. He continued, "I've heard a lot about you and I can tell you're a special girl. Come, let's go sit and eat." He grabbed my hand and led me to our booth. "I hope you like soup?" He asked and I nodded. My stomach growled suddenly. He chuckled and ruffled my hair.

We sat at the booth and picked up the menus. A nice waitress with the name tag 'Catherine' came and took our orders. While we waited Austin and my mother chatted. I'd never seen her so happy. She laughed loud, giggled a lot and smiled brightly. "So, Olivia-" Austin snapped me out of my thoughts. He paused, eyes on me then said, "You know what, Olivia is too long, I'm gonna call you Via."


My jaw dropped. Via. Via triggered that memory that for some unknown reason I forgot. But, at that moment I didn't care about that. What I did care about was that I knew who Austin was. I finally remembered him. It answered a few questions and brought a lot of new ones.

Just perfect.


Bad news guys. I'll be taking a break from Wattpad for a while and when I say break I mean no updates. I'm so sorry but lately, stuffs been happening and honestly, I need this break. Also, school tests are coming up so please my lovelies, bear with me. I'm sorry guys but no worries I'll be back!! 🥺🥺😊

Don't forget to vote, share and comment!! We'll see when we see🤎

OLIVIAМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя