CHAPTER 8 (Moved in)

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Jennie woke up when light from the sun hit her face. She slowly opened her eyes and she sat up. She look at the couch and she smiled when she saw the blonde's position. Chaeyoung's hands was in her right cheek and she bent her knees so she could fit at the small couch. Jennie grabbed her phone and take a picture of Chaeyoung. She quickly made her way to the bathroom and do her routine. When she went out, she saw that the blonde was still sleeping. So she made her way to the kitchen, made coffee for herself. Any moment she saw the blonde running but when Chaeyoung saw Jennie she quickly breathe.

"Why did you run?" Jennie asked

"I thought someone took you Miss Kim. I got scared." Chaeyoung said.

"Don't worry about me. I didn't know it will scare you if I'm out of your sight." Jennie smirked.

"Of course Miss Kim. I had to be scared or else I'll loose my job. I feel like you need someone to protect you when I saw how frightened you are yesterday." Chaeyoung said while looking at the brunette.

"About that. I'm sorry if I asked you to stay, I'm so scared of dark places and I don't want to be alone when it's dark. It is why I sleep with lights on." Jennie said.

"It's fine Miss Kim. I'm glad I stayed. Anyways, do you have schedule for today?" Chaeyoung asked while yawning.

"I have. I'm invited to perform live at KBS Music Pop. I have to prepare and be there at 8 am." Jennie said.

"Okay. We'll be there at 8 but I need to go home first Miss Kim. I have to bring some of my clothes here. I'll have to stay here with you right?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Yeah sure. It's just 6:12, you can still grab your things." Jennie said. Chaeyoung left and change her clothes from yesterday. The pants and tank top. She went downstairs and decided to bid goodbye to Jennie.

"I will go now Miss Kim. Wait me here. I'll be here on time." Chaeyoung said and was about to leave but Jennie stopped her.

"You're wearing that again? Wait here, I'll grab some of my huge hoodie. You shouldn't dress like that in the morning Chaeyoung." Jennie posssesively said but the blonde didn't notice it. She notice that the brunette cares for her. Jennie went to her room and she grab her baby pink hoodie with a cute bunny in the center. She smiled when she pictured Chaeyoung wearing it. She went to Chaeyoung and hand over the hoodie. The blonde looks like she's about to complain.

"Don't you have amything else Miss Kim? I look like a kid in this cartoon bunny. Why do I have to wear this? I already have my tank top Miss Kim." Chaeyoung said.

"You. Will. Wear. That. Don't get me mad Chaeyoung. It's so early in the morning." Jennie said. The blonde wear it and she faced Jennie. Jennie smile the laughed loudly.

"You're so cute in baby pink Chae. Hahaha! I think I prefer you wearing this than your tank top. Go now, I'll prepare myself and wait for you." Jennie said and the blonde leave with heavy foot steps.

Chaeyoung arrive at her apartment. She grab her black duffle bag and she put it in her bed. She organizingly put every clothes she need in her bag. There are plenty of black and white plain t-shirts, boxer shorts, jeans and loose pants. She also grabbed her hygienic  equipment. She went in her kitchen and she went to have coffee. She is ready, she took a shower and went to wear her casual black coat and white crop top inside then black loose trouser. She look at herself and went to drive her motorbike. She wear the shoulder strap and put her duffle bag behind her.

She remembered she had to buy wristwatch as she always should know her time. After she went to buy her wristwatch, she immediately went to a phone shop and she look for a phone. She saw a small nokia touchscreen and bought it. She inserted her simcard. After she went to the shop, she grab some breakfast for Jennie. She choose to buy her toast, egg and bacon. I still have time to prepare this for Miss Kim. She look at her watch. Its just 6:54 am. I'll have to be in Miss Kim house at exactly 7 am so I could cook this for her. I think she haven't eaten anything yet. Chaeyoung said in her mind and went to ride her motorbike.

Chaeyoung arrived and she knocked. Jennie opened the door and shocked as she was early again. She saw that the blonde was holding her bag and she's carrying a bag with bread, bacon and eggs.

"Why are you so early? You already did everything in 50 minutes?" Jennie said and Chaeyoung went inside.

"I'll have to move fast Miss Kim. I don't want you to get late and I have to prepare something for you before we go. I don't want you to skip your meals." Chaeyoung said.

"You'll have to talk with manager-nim about that. She don't want me to get fat." Jennie said.

"I will. She must know that you need energy and food will help you with that. If you have sick then you can't work and if you can't work, they will loose the gem in their company." Chaeyoung said while seriously looking at Jennie. She made her way to the kitchen and the brunette just watch her.

"Do you even know how to cook? I feel like you will burn my house to the ground." Jennie said but the blonde smilee confidently at her.

"I can cook Miss Kim. This is one of my expertise. My dad used to taught me a lot about cooking while my mom use to watch us and wait until we serve food to her." Chaeyoung said and she remembered that she didn't open up about her family with someone. Jennie looked at Chaeyoung's back and she saw the blonde stiffened on her place.

"You must miss them. Where did they live?" Jennie asked but the blonde asnwered her casually.

"Just near here. Anyways! I'm done with the bacon and scrambled eggs Miss Kim. I'll just make you some french toast. Do you have milk and butter Miss Kim?" Chaeyoung asked and Jennie nodded and point at her fridge. Chaeyoung made the french toast and served it infront of Jennie.

"This smell so good Chae. I hope you will always cook for me. I'll raise your salary if you did." Jennie said and taste the food. She moaned when she taste how delicious the french toast with scrambled eggs.

"You don't have to Miss Kim. I'll always cook for you if you want. You could taste a lot more." Chaeyoung said but the brunette got choked to what the blonde said. The blonde grabbed the water and gave it to Jennie.

"You shouldn't eat so fast Miss Kim. You could eat slowly. Look at you, you're getting choked." Chaeyoung innocently said but the brunette has dirty mind and kept choking to what Chaeyoung was saying. Jennie calm herself and breathe in. The blonde look at her worriedly and caress Jennie's back slowly.

"Get ready Miss Kim. I'll wait you at the couch. I will put my things first at the guest room. Then I'll also change my clothes. I already took a bath at my apartment" Chaeyoung said and leave the brunette. The blonde carried her duffle bag and went upstairs. Jennie stood up and went to her room and prepare herself.

Jennie was already done and she saw that the blonde is  already prepared. The blonde was busy at her new phone.

"Are you done smiling at someone's text message? Let's go. I'll have to be there." Jennie said and leave the blonde. The blonde stood up and quickly follow Jennie. She open the car door for Jennie and sat at the front. Jennie didn't mind her this time as jealousy came over her. Who fucking texted her that she become so busy about it? I swear if it's Irene, I will fucking chop your long fingers Park! Jennie said in her mind.

They arrive and the blonde open the door for her. When she came out, the crowd made Jennie feel her panick attack, Chaeyoung saw it. Every flash made her out balance but Chaeyoung was beside her and she hold Jennie tightly and side hugged the brunette.

"Are you okay Miss Kim? Don't worry, I already hold you. No one will pushed you okay? Breathe in slowly Miss Kim." Chaeyoung said while Jennie just nod at her and she felt safe at Chaeyoung's soft but strong arms. They went inside and Chaeyoung move away from Jennie.

"You're okay now Miss Kim? Tell me if you won't we'll probably do someting to loose your panick attack." Chaeyoung gently said.

"I'm fine now Chaeyoung. I can handle nyself. Let's just go. They might be waiting for me." Jennie said.

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