Find Him.

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Stella and Sky had spent the whole afternoon together, quite content in each other's company, and were staying clear of both of their rooms just in case Marlene or Riven wanted to be there instead.

Stella had told Sky what she had seen last night and Sky had told Stella of what he had seen this morning and both were glad that their friends had finally found another part. Had finally found love. Or at least that's what they hoped it was.

It was getting late and the pair were heading back to Stella's room when they crossed paths with Headmistress Dowling.

"Stella, I don't suppose you've seen Marlene lately have you?" She asked, nodding in acknowledgment.

"Err- not this afternoon, why? Is something wrong?" Stella asked.

"Well, she didn't attend any classes today and didn't attend our afternoon class session to test her powers today, if you see her will you please ask her to come to see me tomorrow? Thank you." And Dowling walked away, Stella looked up at Sky but he was already looking at her, a brow raised.

"Come on." Sky told her as they walked back to her suite, a little quicker than they had been before.

When they got back they pushed open the door to find Terra with her arm around Marlene on her bed, her eyes were red-rimmed.

Terra rubbed her back and was whispering comforting words to Marlene who could only look at her hands.

"What happened?" Sky asked, a clear indication of alarm in his voice.

Marlene shook her head and sniffled as if she couldn't find the words. Terra looked up from her to Stella and Sky and mouthed: don't know.

"It's okay." She then hummed in Marlene's ear, "I'll go make some tea." and she let go of Marlene and headed for the door, passing Sky. "She was like this when I got back from the Greenhouse, she hasn't told me anything about what happened." She whispered and he nodded. Terra left the room and Sky sat beside her, where Terra had been sitting and she leaned into him, Stella sat on her other side, putting her hand on the girls thigh.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked softly and Marlene cleared her throat.

"I- told Riven, about, well all of it." They leaned closer. "And-," She could feel the tears pricking in her throat, choking her words, "he was, warm and understanding and careful and- and-" She stumbled.

"He was- I felt safe."

"So what's wrong, that's good. So so good Marls." Stella cooed her friend and Marlene laughed.

"This morning- when I woke up. I- I found this on his desk." Marlene held out the crumbled piece of paper neither had realised was in her hand, it was the newspaper clipping. "Riven had it, he already knew everything about what happened at the orphanage before I told him."  Marlene said and Sky and Stella looked at each other.

"We know." Stella whispered and Marlene's gaze flickered between them both.

"Riven came to us with the article, whilst you were still recovering from killing the Burned one. He wanted to know everything but we told him to forget he ever found it. That when you were ready, you'd tell him." Sky said and Marlene felt her shoulders sag.

"We told him not to go asking questions about things he wasn't supoosed to know about- we didn't want him to push you Marlene. You shouldn't be angry with him, be angry with us." Marlene froze at their words but listened, a new found understanding.

"I'm not angry, not anymore. I- I was just- in shock. I didn't mean to hurt him-"

"Marlene what did you do?" Stella asked, not in an accusing tone, but a calm one. One where she knew she wouldn't like the answer but her and Sky needed to know. Sky had noticed Riven had been at training but he wasn't as talkative. His normal swagger and confidence dulled to embers when it was normally a fire. He had a cut on his cheek.

"I broke the window. He- Riven he shielded me from the glass, he got cut- I promise I didn't mean to. I didn't mean to hurt him. I just- I was so..." She stammered and neither judged her, neither thought badly of her, they simply held her closer.

"It's okay..." Stella whispered, "It's okay."

"But it's not- I hurt him Stell, I hurt Riven." Her breaths were shaky, "I hurt the boy I love and- now he hates me."

Stella and Sky exchanged a look and then a small smile.

"Marlene," Sky's voice was soft,

"Find him."

Something clicked in Marlens' head and she stood from the bed slinging on her jacket. Terra came back in, holding two cups of tea and set them down.

"Going out?" She asked and glanced down at the mugs.

"Terra, thank you." Marlene said and hugged her, Terra laughed at the surprise embrace but hugged her back.

"Did I miss something?" She asked through her laughs.

"I'm going to find Riven and-" Marlene began to explain and Terra held her by the shoulders.

"Then what are you doing wasting time talking to me? Go, go, go!" She said and Marlene glanced back at her friends.

"Thank you." As the half ran down the courtyard to start her search.


GO FIND HIM!!!! pls vote <3

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