Strolls Spark Ideas.

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The two had made their way out of the Courtyard of the East wing and began to walk around the ground of Alfea, he had removed his arm from her but they remained close.

"Thank you, Riv, for what you did- back there..." She told him and he smirked at his shoes.

"'Riv'? Are we on a nickname base now, huh Sparky?" He taunted and she shoved him lightly.

"What? You call me Sparky, which is completely unnecessary by the way, so what can I call you?" She asked and he contemplated it.

"Sir? Master? My lord? All of them work for me." She shoved him harder at that and he laughed.

"Why on earth would I call you that?" She asked, "I thought you were a sub baby..." She teased, her voice as smooth as liquor.

"Am not!" He protested and she inhaled through her teeth.

"I don't know Riv, you were a natural on your knees." She told him and he stopped walking.

"Fine- we spar right here right now." He told her, a smile still playing on his lips but he was dead serious.

"What does the winner get?" She asked, already thinking of all the perks she could gain out of this.

"A favor, anything the winner wants but no powers and no cheating." He told her and she thought it over.

"Rule? I don't do rules." She told him and he shook his head.

"I don't care- no powers Sparky, or it's cheating and you're disqualified and I win." Riven squared his feet, fighting stance, she had seen Sky do it so many times when she had watched him train. She had taken him down once before, this should be fine. They were both a little drunk so the playing field was even. She removed her heels, showing him she was doing this.

Riven moved first, throwing a punch at her head, she dodged easily, her slick movements obvious. But whilst she had moved her head, he had already retracted his first and swiped his legs beneath her feet. Marlene jumped and avoided his attack, she pivoted to his side and struck his midsection, hard. Riven took it and grabbed her arm and pulled her over his shoulder, she hit the grass with a thump. When he made his move to knee her, she rolled away from his strike and pushed him up to her knees.

"You look good like this, you a sub Sparky?" Riven smirked and Marls gritted her teeth, she sprang to her feet and gripped onto his shirt but it was easy for him to swing her round and she collided with the floor again. This time Riven wasted no time striking her sternum.

That was it- it was over and Riven had won.

"No shame in losing Marls." He said softly, crouching beside where she still lay on the floor. "You're not bad though." He added, she didn't say anything, she was winded, the breath found it hard it made it down her throat. But her eyes turned purple and it found its way down into her lungs, the pain gradually subsiding.

"Fuck you, Riven." She groaned.

"I know you would... but that hurts- no one likes a sore loser." He told her, still looking at her sprawled out on the grass, her hair fanned out around her head. Her shirt had moved ever so slightly down her shoulder so he saw the exposed skin of her neck to the peak of her shoulder. And trailing down most of it was a thick silver line, a scar, he realized. But he didn't say anything. She held out her hand and he took it, hauling her to her feet as if she weighed nothing to him. "So... that favour..." He said as she grabbed her shoes.

"What do you want Riven, come on- just spit it out," Marlene told him, still trying to even out her breaths.

"A kiss." He told her and she faced him full on, her eyes wide.

"What, from the bottom of my heart, the fuck?" She told him and he chuckled.

"Easy Sparky, not now but at some point shortly, whenever I ask for it. A few kisses won't ruin our friendship." They continued walking, Riven as smug as could be.

"A few? And a friendship? Is that what we have now? You know this could be classified as sexual harassment." She told him and he shook his head.

"Not if you want it, I know when someone wants my dick."

"Shut up, you're as delusional as I thought. I wear heels bigger than your dick." She snapped.

"You wanna test that theory Sparky?" His voice was as smooth as oil, his smile as perfect as a smile could ever be. Marlene wanted nothing more than to knock out a tooth to ruin that but she sighed.

"Fine- but you are so full of yourself Riven, I hope you know that." She pointed at his chest, a slight flicker of irritation flaring in her.

"I am well aware- oh and one more thing." He said as she began to walk back towards Alfea.

"I swear to god Riv if it's another favour I will-"

"Let me train you." 


A kiss?! No biggie, right?

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