Sharp as a Blade.

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"Make sure you keep your feet planted," Riven told Marlene, standing above where she lay sprawled on the floor. She groaned in frustration and pushed herself up to her elbows, this was her fifth attempt and she could get past Riven's defenses.

"I can't do it Riven, can we move on to attacking instead."

"There is absolutely no point Sparky if you don't have a strong stance first because I'll just go for your legs, then you're on the floor and then you've lost." He told her and offered her a hand, helping her up. She took it and brushed herself off.

"Hang on-" He moved, lifting his hand and picking out a leaf caught in her hair, "just a leaf you've picked up from spending more time on the floor than on your feet." He smirked and she jabbed his chest, winding him in the process.

"Sorry- What was that Riv? I didn't quite hear you?" She bent down to mockingly pretend to hear him better from where he had doubled over. "I'm sure it's hilarious but I just can't quite hear it."

"Very funny." he breathed out.

The pair had been at this for a couple of hours, Riven teaching Marlene all the moves and techniques he had learned from Silva and she began to get the hang of it bit by bit.

"You almost had me that time." He said, offering her yet another hand to help her up, his other clothing his rib cage which was surely bruised by her hits. But he had still won.

"Gimme a sec." She winced, her new scar on her midsection throbbing. The skin had closed but it was still sore and rather tender. Riven noticed her hand over her clothes, where the scar was placed as if he was just remembering she even had it.

"Are you alright?" He asked, crouching beside her.

"If I can still breath- I'm fucking fine." She said, her voice coming off a little colder than she meant

"Okay tough guy." Riven stood back up and grabbed a blade from a sheath on his leg, Marlene dragged herself to her feet. "Here." She caught the blade and he drew another.

"A knife? Are you flirting with me?" She asked, turning the handle in her grip.

"No instructions, go." He instructed and she lunged for him first, ignoring the pain echoing in her side. Riven pivoted and she stuck out her arm, grazing his armour. Riven ended up behind her and grabbed her free arm, twisting it in his hand, she winced. Riven pressed his blade into her back lightly, but enough so she knew it was there.

"About that favor-" He whispered in her ear and she knew exactly what he was talking about. The Kiss.

"What about it? Now's not really a good time is it Riven?"

"I've been thinking about it a lot recently..." He whispered so seductively a shiver trickled down her spine. She hummed in response. "I've come up with an issue."

"And what's that?" She asked, half teasing but inside she was incredibly curious as to what he was about to say.

"The problem is, if I kissed you, I don't think I would be able to stop."

Marlene throw her head forward and threw it back again, colliding with his lip, Riven stumbled back groaning.

"Oh- I'm sorry," She said, "Did my back hurt your knife."

Riven wanted to laugh at that, he was oddly proud in a way, she was learning.


She walked towards him, both had their knives still drawn, ready, eager.

Marlene lifted her other hand and pressed her thumb to her lips, a small trickle of blood coming from them, where she had head-butted him.

"Want me to kiss it better?" She asked softly and Riven took another step towards her, closing the space between him. He dropped the knife, his hand snaking up her shoulder and he looked down, catching a glimpse of the silver line which still sat between her neck and shoulder, a thick ragged line.

His lips turned upwards in amusement.

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