For Fuck's Sake.

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Marlene dragged her heavy limbs along the corridor, only wanting her bed and a warm blanket to sink into Marlene put her hand on the doorknob and opened it, she stumbled into the shared space and headed for her's and Stella's room. She dumped her jacket on the chair and headed for her door but paused.

She heard Stella and Sky. Heard them...

Marlene grabbed her jacket and left the suite.

"Shit." She swore, there goes that plan of going to sleep. Marlene walked to the end of the corridor and sat on the stairwell. She could go back down to the canteen. She could probably find Musa, Bloom, or Terra down there but all Marlene wanted to do was sleep and she was feeling bitter so she walked over to the specialist's hall.

Marlene pulled herself up the stairs to the third floor and counted the doors as she walked down until she found the right door. She placed her finger to the lock and sent a shock down the mechanism, sure enough, it clicked and the door opened for her.

Sky's room was exactly how she remembered it, she had been here early last year when she and Stella had come to pick him up for a party and it had looked very very similar. She took off her jacket again and slumped on Sky's bed. If he was sleeping in her room, she was sleeping in his. That was her logic.

Suddenly the bathroom door opened and Marlene jumped- she may have slightly forgotten about Sky's roommate, she just hoped he wasn't going to be a prick about sharing a room with a fairy.

But when she saw Riven standing in the bathroom doorway with a towel around his waist. Marlene felt a wash of warm relief and felt the blush creep up her cheeks.

"For fuck's sake Riven! You gave me a heart attack." She muttered, pressing her hand to her chest.

"You will- in my defence it is my room Sparky. What the fuck are you doing in here... someone might indecent." He gestured to his towel and moved to his chest of drawers. His side of the room was just as neat as Sky's.

"Look- I didn't know you were going to be in here. Sky's in my room with Stella so I'm crashing in his." Marlene folded her arms, sitting on Sky's bed, which was diagonally opposite Riven's. It was quite impressive that she had missed it.

"Oh, you are? Are you?" Riven taunted her and she rolled her eyes.

"Yeah - you got a problem with that?" She snapped at him, her tiredness making her temper even shorter than it normally was.

"No- not at all." He put his hands up in fake defense and resumed rummaging in a draw. His skin was still damp from the shower he had freshly taken, making his muscular midsection gleam. His hair hung damp over his eyes; he had to frequently push it back. Marlene couldn't help but stare at his chiseled back.

He glanced back at her and she tore her gaze away. He had caught her and they both knew it.

"I love catching you staring at me." He chuckled, turning back around to face her, a pile of clothes in hand.

"I was not- I was just-"

"You look good flushed Sparky, maybe I should walk around in a towel more often."

"Oh fuck you Riv-"

"Yes- we've established how you would like to fuck me and if I recall correctly you still owe me that kiss but- here." He held out the clothes to her and she lifted a brow in confusion. "Unless you want to sleep in your jeans and t-shirt." He said, explaining why he was handing her clothes.

"I hate you- you know that?" She stated, looking up at him.

"Fine." He began to turn away, taking the folded clothes with him.

"Wait for Riv... May I have them?" She squeaked, rubbing her arm and he turned to face her again.

"Of course, Sparky, you only had to ask." She could hear the smugness in his voice, hear how much he was enjoying this and at that moment Marlene couldn't tell if she liked him or if she wanted to punch him in the throat.

Riven handed her the clothes and their hands brushed, the sudden connection caused her eyes to snap to his but he was already looking at her. His hazel eyes scanned her face for something she wasn't quite sure of. He let go and turned around. He grabbed some clothes for himself and went back to the bathroom, closing the door behind him. Marlene took the opportunity to quickly change in the brief moment of privacy. Riven had handed her an old one of Sky's old t-shirts, it was extremely big on her, black and slightly washed out, reaching down to her mid-thigh. She grabbed the pair of joggers that were also in the pile which was also incredibly big, she had to tie the drawstrings tight for them to stay upright.

Once she was changed, she began to look around the room. The two boys had organized all their belongings respectfully and tidily. Riven had a small stack of books by his bed, she picked them up and began to look at the covers. The one on the top was the same book she was currently reading which amazed her. In that same second, Riven opened the bathroom door and stepped out into the room.

"Nosey little fucker, aren't you." He said.

"It's all part of my charm, in my defence- I was left unsupervised. And you're not one to fucking talk." He smiled at that.

Marlene spun around book in hand to face him. His hair looked slightly dryer now like he had gone over it with a towel, he also wore joggers and a t-shirt but he seemed to fit him like a glove whilst hers hung off her frame.

"Why do you have this?" She held up the book.

"What about it, Sparky? I read and smoke, is that a confusing archetype for you?" He taunted and she rolled her eyes, "Yeah- I err, saw you reading it at lunch a couple of days ago and thought I'd give it a go." He tried to explain himself but he sounded a little unsure by the way his normal confidence flickered.

She thought about this, he was reading the same book she was just because he had seen her with it. It would be a lie if she said that didn't give her butterflies.

"You look good in my clothes, by the way, Sparky," Riven muttered as she put the book back down on his bedside table.

"Your clothes?" She asked, looking down at herself. "I thought these were"  She didn't know why she had assumed they were Sky's, Riven had fished them out of his dresser, and of course, they were his. When she looked back at him, he was just smirking at her.

If you asked Riven, Marlene looked better in his clothes than he did. He might have even told her she looked beautiful but she didn't let him say another word before she spun on her heel and walked to Sky's bed. He watched as she pulled back the covers and got in.

He only wished it was his bed she was getting into.


these two have my heart, pls vote and comment.

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