Proper Introductions.

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A week had gone by and there had been no nightmares since life at Alfea had resumed as normal and every other night Marlene snuck out to train in the specialist centre. And yet she hadn't seen a trace of that boy since she had toyed with him, she thought, over a night ago.

She had known he was a specialist because she often waited with Stella when Sky was at training and she had seen the two talking. She recognized him instantly although she didn't know his name. She wondered if Stella might know his name but considering she didn't know about Marlene's little nightly expeditions to go train, she kept it to herself.

It was a Saturday night and Marlene and Bloom had just helped Terra with a perfect cat eye whilst Aisha helped her pick out something to wear because she wanted to impress Dane. She didn't say that but all the girls could see it, though none mentioned it, they only wanted to help their friend.

"Are you sure you don't want to come, Marls?" Musa asked as they all trailed out of the door.

"I think so, thanks Musa," Marlene said and took a couple of steps closer. "And I realize I never actually apologized for what happened the other night. I'm sorry I put you through that." She said softly and Musa smiled.

"It's alright, be back soon." She said and shut the door softly.

About 10 minutes drifted by and someone knocked at the door, Marlene struggled to put her book down because of how much she was enjoying it but by the second knock, someone had already opened the door.

"See, I told you it would be open." A voice said, a smirk evident in the tone of the speaker.

"They must have already gone down." Sky said, Marlene would know Sky's voice anywhere, the second one she couldn't quite place though.

"Suite invaders, just my luck..." She rolled off the bed and trailed to the doorway to see Sky and the back of someone's head. He turned around and it was the same boy from the other night, Marlene smiled and the boy seemed to recognize her as he scoffed.

"Why don't you like answering doors?" Sky asked, moving his hands towards the door and then to Marlene.

"You have a key, Sky!" Marlene half laughed and half yelled, throwing her hands up, " And you both seem to have done a fine job on your opening it so why should I have to get up?" She answered, moving towards the two boys and resting against the doorframe.

"Wait- hang on a sec- this," the boy pointed at Marlene, "This is Stella's roomie?" He asked, a slight flicker of disbelief in his voice.

"Have you two met?" Sky asked, his gaze flickering between the two.

"We met but weren't thoroughly acquainted," Marlene told Sky, a playful flicker in her voice, and kicked off from the wall and moved to stand in front of the boy she didn't quite know the name of yet. "Marlene." She said and stuck out her hand for the boy to shake but he didn't move. Instead, he looked her up and down, then at the hand she offered to him, his arms crossed over his chest.

"This is Riven and he's happy to meet you too, Riven, this is Marlene, she's an air fairy." Sky abruptly said after a few moments of silence where Riven had made no motion to shake her hand. "Did the others already go down Marls?" Sky continued.

"Yeah, you just missed them, Stella went down some time ago though, went looking for you," Marlene told him and took a step back from Riven. She watched as Sky Moved further into the room and began to rummage through her chest of drawers.

"Hey! Sky- what are you doing?" Marlene demanded and pulled on his arm.

"You're going to get ready for this party." He told her, his voice playful but in a way that scared her.

"Am not!" She retorted and Riven stepped closer to them both, finally unfolding his arms.

"Why don't you go find Stella, Sky, I'll make sure she's downstairs and looking presentable in 20 minutes." Riven's words threw her off.

"You most certainly will not." She snapped at him.

"Why? Scared?" He taunted, taking one final step back closer to get in her face.

"Fucker." She whispered and took another step as if she might take a swing at him but Sky stood between the two before any physical contact could be made.

"Women shouldn't curse." Riven hummed to himself, as he continued to gaze around the suite.

"Get fucked." She spat at him over Sky's shoulder, she raised her hand which in it, flickered electrical currents which shed a small blue light, small lightning bolts. Riven returned a cold glare but proceeded to chuckle, which pissed her off even more.

"Easy there, Sparky." Dick she thought.

"Marls, just- please, and if you don't like it then I promise I will never drag you to one of these things ever again." Sky pleaded and she turned to face him, trying her best to ignore Riven entirely.

"I just don't understand why it's so important." She confessed.

"Because it will be good for you, get drunk, make bad decisions- take a page out of his book." He pointed to Riven.

"I can't believe you just said that," Riven muttered, putting his fingers between his eyes.

"Just please get out of this room for something other than class." Sky finished and Marlene saw from behind Sky, Rivens eyebrows shot up. Sky didn't know about her night training either, no one did, no one but Riven. And now he knew it.

But before he could interject and question it, Marlene spun to face Sky, "Fine, I'll go. Just go find Stella." She told him and he looked skeptical.

"Wait- What?"

"Jesus Sky, she said yes now go find Stella and I'll make sure she gets there," Riven told Sky and Sky left the room, heading down to the party to find Stella, a wide grin plastered on his face.


Sky is such a parent to these two, love him so freaking much.

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