One Step at a Time.

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It was pitch black in the night, the kind where no matter how hard you tried to open your eyes wider to see something, anything, it was futile. You couldn't shake the feeling that something was already stalking up behind you and there was nothing you could do about it. Towering over you, about to sink in its teeth or claws- Kill you- and you wouldn't even know it.

But she knew it, so she ran and ran until her legs burned and she felt as if her lungs were going to give way. But that simply wasn't enough.

Everything she put into getting away- simply wasn't enough.

The creature saw her and it-

Marlene bolted upright, her breaths ragged, a cold sweat gleaming on her forehead. She took one deep breath, then another. It was a few more before she could get her breathing steady again. She swung her legs over the bedside and put her head in her hands, her elbows resting on her knees.

All the girls were fast asleep, Marlene got out of bed and saw them all sleeping soundly. She was very glad she hadn't woken Musa this time, this time had actually felt worse but she- she was just glad she hadn't woken anyone up this time.

Marlene made her way down the corridor and into the courtyard of the east wing. The cold chill of the night kissed her skin but she wished it was Riv-

"Here." Said a voice, snapping her out of her train of thought, she looked over to see Riven sitting on the wall, a spliff in hand and his jacket in the other. Marlene didn't say anything.

"Come on, you need it more than I do, it can go with the rest of my clothes." Marlene looked down at herself, she had washed Riven's t-shirt and jogger bottoms and continued to wear them as pyjamas as they offered a sense of comfort nothing else could.

She, still wordlessly, moved to sit on the wall beside him and took his leather jacket. Riven looked from her to his lap, then to her shoes, not quite knowing what to do with himself. Contrasting with his normal confidence.

"I'm sorry." He whispered, "I shouldn't have pushed something you weren't comfortable with. I'm sorry." He repeated and she looked over at him, he took another hit.

"I missed you." She whispered back and he looked at her, speechless, just like he had been the first night they met. "I want to tell you Riven but I-" She began.

"I'm here," he whispered, "you can talk to me, or not talk to me. But I'm here," He told her and she nodded.

"I grew up in the other world, in the foster care system." She began and he remained silent, letting her finish, letting her tell her story.

"I got fostered, more than once but every time I did, I got sent back." she swallowed, "Because every time I got upset or angry, I would break things- like windows, with my powers, the wind would become so strong and they would just shatter- I didn't even know I was a fairy or even had magic."

"But the other girls began to tease me for it- thought I was a freak..." She wiped away a tear and kept talking, "It got to the point where they took my food and I would have to go hungry or they  locked me in the cupboard for hours and they once nailed me under the floorboards." Riven felt tears burn in the back of his throat.

"That's barbaric." He whispered, so quietly that Marlene almost didn't hear it.

"But-" She continued, "One night, they dragged me from my bed and locked me in the cupboard down the hall. I remember crying and screaming at them to let me out but- it didn't work. But I was so upset, my powers, they-" She paused, "I sent an electric shock through the floor, and electrocuted the four girls. They were screaming Riven- But I- I couldn't hear them. I just- I stepped over them and grabbed my bag and lept out of the window." She told him, "I ran away."

Riven draped his arm over her shoulder, pulling her into him, into his warmth, he wasn't even the slightest bit cold. He pressed his chin to her head and rubbed her arm in comfort.

"I didn't know where to go- so I just ran- I knew I couldn't stay. I knew there was something severely wrong with me so I just kept running into the woods, it was pitch black, and I- I couldn't see. I just-" She took one breath, then two, "I ran straight into a Burned one Riven."

Riven didn't know what to say, so he didn't say anything at all.

"I didn't know how to use my powers at all back then so I held it off as long as I could but I was- I- I was terrified. It gave me this." She placed her hand gently on her neck, there the scar sat on top of her skin. Riven placed his hand on top of hers and let her lean into him, resting on him, feeling her sink into him he took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry." He breathed and she shook her head.

"Don't be, it's not your fault." she told him, "I got away from it, I managed to push it away with my powers long enough to cross the barrier. I didn't even know I had, I was so delirious from the blood loss I just collapsed. I don't know what I would have done if I hadn't found the barrier, found Alfea."

"I'm not sure how long I lay there but I know it was a while because they told me I was nearly dead when they did."

"Who found you?"

"Sky and Stella." Riven's eyes widened, that's why they seemed to know all about her. That's why they were so close, why they were so protective of her. Because they knew everything. "They had just started dating and snuck out to the woods to be alone and they found me, brought me back to Alfea. Dowling, Silva, and Harvey know everything, just like Stella and Sky but they're the only ones, and now you Riv." She took in a deep breath. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you before... I just I couldn't think about it, I didn't want to and I-"

"Shhh- hey, no, no- it's okay." He wrapped his arms around her when he saw the gleam of tears streaming down her face quietly.

"I- I don't remember being not tired Riven- I'm so tired." She whispered.

"It's okay, I've got you Sparky- I've got you."


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