Class Trial #6: Lost Memories

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The detective mumbled as she took the pocketbook out as well.

Genocide Jill: Hm... And whose pocketbook is that?

Kyoko: It's mine. And the handwriting inside is also mine, there's no doubt about it. But just like Hiro, I have no memory of ever writing in it.

Kyoko had a dark expression on her face. But not the violent one she had those times when mentioning her father. It was an expression of subtle fear.

Byakuya:  And the reason for the two years of missing memories?

Junko: Puhuhu. After seeing all the evidence, do you have any choice but to acknowledge the truth? (Goes into her Punk Rock persona) Isn't it just so desperately dark? The mystery's solved, but it's like a goddamn funeral in here! Shit man, I've never been to a funeral. Hell yes!

Makoto: ...

Junko: (Menacing persona) Two years of school life. How many moments of blossoming youth have you missed out on? How many fun classes? How many school events? This was your chance to build lasting friendships, right? And on top of that, something tragically sad happened one year ago... The biggest, most awful, most tragic event in human history. Right before everyone's eyes, the world came crashing down... You absorbed all that despair, but then you forgot it all. And once you'd forgotten, you made the choice to subject yourselves to this killing game. Oh, and there's one other thing. To be even more precise, the memories you all lost were... ... (Sighs as she goes into her depressed persona) Actually, never mind. I'm bored. Explaining stuff is boring...

Hiro:  What...?

Junko: (Royal persona) We are bored of this world! Everyone always talks big, declaring all the great things they'll do! But then they always fizzle out... (Goes into her Punk Rock persona) This world is just so desperately fucking boring!

Kyoko: What are you talking about?

Junko: (Menacing persona) In a way, I'm jealous of all of you. To give yourself over so completely to such stimulating despair... (Goes into her Punk Rock persona) Yeah, so figure out the rest for yourselves! I'm sick of expositioning all this shit!

Sora: Figure out what, exactly?

Junko: (Teacher persona) Figure out where your memories come apart. That's at the heart of all of this.

Where their memories come apart... Is she talking about the moment where they must have lost their memories?


-At the entrance ceremony

-When Sora fainted

-When Sora got the acceptance letter



Sora: The moment I lost my memories... I can't think of any time other than...that day. When I first came to the gates of this school, and stepped foot in the main hall... When I passed out...I was overcome with a strange sensation...

Junko: (Kawaii persona) Wow! You still have enough spirit to keep on talking, huh? Umm, so I don't know much about the details, but it seems like everyone remembers passing out, right? And your sense of time got all messed up because of the memory loss after that...? I guess it musta been something like that!

Sora: After I passed out, I woke up in a classroom, with my head on a desk... I assumed not much time had passed since I'd collapsed in the main hall.

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