"Yes. Yew awe."

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You woke up in 2d's bed. You remembered what happened and you started to blush. You were in 2d's arms and he started to hold you tighter. You tried to squirm our of his arms but when you did he sat up immediately and asked "Where awe yew goin'?" He asked with sadness in his eyes. " Stu I I'm going to go to school." (Just pretend plsssssss!!) "Fine." They both get ready and go outside for the bus stop. The bus pick both of you up and you sat next to eachother and watched gorillaz song machine. As you where getting off the bus someone said something to you and it made you think of how ugly you thought you looked. "Ugh! Why am I so freaking ugly!" You say putting your head in your hands. "Wot awe yew tawking about! Yew awe so pwetty!" Stu says grabbing your hand to get off the bus. "Yeah right. Your just trying to make me feel better." You say while rolling your eyes. Stu suddenly pulled you the side of the school. "What are we doing here? We are going to be late Stuart!" You say trying to make him let go. "Y/n. STOP." Stu says demanding you to stop. You look at him immediately and you were kinda scared. *sigh* "Y/n~" 2d says grabing your face and brings it up to his. " Yew awe the most beautifowl person I've eva seen. Please stop saying this. You awe so pwetty. And your body isn't bad. It's perfect. "You start to tear up. He sees this and hugs you. You start to cry in his arms. You stop crying and he helps wipe off your tears. "And after wot I did with yew, yew must belive yew awent ugly." You blush and what he says but you just nod.

Sry for the short chapter but I thought of it while I was on the bus and waited for like 2 days to write it cuz I wanted to see if it was worthy for my book. Byyyeee♡

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