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You wake up and everything is still blury. All you can see is blue. You blink a few other times and realize it's the sky. You sit put confused on why you are in the geep. Suddenly someone hugs you. Then there was another person hugging you. You look down to see 2d hugging you and Noodle hugging your back. "That goodness yew a'e OK." Stu said hugging you tighter. "What do you mean?" You ask him. Noodle lets go and jumps on your lap. "You got knocked out!" Noodle said pointing to your head. "What? No I just fell asleep." You say looking confused. "Then why was there blood on your fourhead?" Stu says pointing to your head. "What?!" You ask touching you head. "Yeah. We walked in your room cause you weren't answering anyone and saw you laying on the ground with blood coming from your head." Noodle said sitting back down on the seat. Stu came closer to you. You blushed but tried to hide it. "Well before u fell asleep I saw something black...but I didn't really pay much attention to it cause my wall is black so i dont know what it was." You say looking back at 2d who has a concerned look on his face. "Boogieman." He said. "What?! No. No. No. No I just got here!" You say putting your head up so you were looking at the sky. You see 2d smile from out of the corner of your eye. You were about to put your head down when 2d puts his hand there and tickles it. You put your head down immediately and giggle. "Stoop!" You say when you starts to tickle you armpit. He stats to tickle your leg and you start to cry laugh. ( if u ain't ticklish then....just pretend 😁) He got a little close to .... *ahem* and you put your legs up to your chest. He knowtist it and started to tickle your feet. (U weren't wearing socks or shoes) you sat there looking at him tickling your feet. "What?! Yew a'en't ticklish there?!" He asked stopping. "No. But are you?" You ask. You go to grab his feet but it was kind hard cause he is 70% leg and it was kind cramed in there. You reached his feet, took off his shoes and socks and started tickling him. (There's the swan shaped scones video up and the top. Has 2d laughing. So...uh yaaaah. Bye) his laugh was almost silent you look up and see him covering his mouth with tears in his eyes. "Heh, you good?" You ask sitting up in your seat. "H-yeah." He said calming down. "We are going back home." Russ said. "OK." Both you and 2d said at the same time. "Twins?" Noodle said. "Nope. Never." 2d said. "I would never date my twin." He said with his eyes closed. Everyone looks at him. "What did you say, Faceache?" He turns red and looks out the window. "2d?" Noodle says. Murdoc looks at me with the 'oohh he likes yooou!' "Sod off." You say to Muds and look away. We got to Kong and 2d and I went straight to our rooms. I finished unpacking and got everything ready. All I needed was a bed. You open your door and walk out. You bump into someone. You look up to see Stu. "I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was goi-" "it's fine. A'e yew OK though?" 2d cuts you off. "Yes. I'm fine. Are you?" You ask. "Yes I am." He says walking away. Wait. He's mad. What did I do. Or is it what I didn't do? "Wait! Stu! What's wrong?" You say running up to him. "And if it's me I'm so sorry. I hurt everyone I know and that is way I don't have any friends. I'm so sorry and if you want to ignore go ahead. I'm used to it but it-i- *sigh* I'm sorry." You say stopping. You look down and start to tear up. You were swept off your feet into a hug. Stu had picked you up and hugged you. You hugged back and put your feet around his waist?

 You hugged back and put your feet around his waist?

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"I'm so sorry to hear this but I'm not mad at yew. I'm mad at Muds. And if there's anything on your back, tell me and we can get through it together, ok?" You were surprised by what he said because nobody ever says anything close to that to you. You started to cry. "I'm sorry I'm so emotional. Nobody says anything like that to me. I'm not used to it. I'm sorry." You say holding on to him tighter. "Everyone here will be glad to help yew get through things." 2d says walking to his room while you were still in his hands.he sets you down on his bed and shuts the door. You get a little nervous only because you are thinking in a weird way.😏 He sat down next to you and hugged you. You stopped crying and he let go. "Why'd you shut the door?" You ask. "Why not?" He ask back. "Where my clothes you were wearing?" You ask. "Back in your room." He says back "Oh ok." You say looking to the floor. 2d gets in front of you and pushes you onto the bed so he is on top of you. "What time is it?" You ask. "12:38. Why?" 2d asks

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