At home.

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We blush and get out of the car. We all help bring the boxes in the house and find a free room. The room we found was right next to 2d's room. There's a huge whole that you could fit through in a wall and it leads to 2d's room. "What happened?" You ask walking through it. All of a sudden someone grabs your arm and pulls you. "Ah- dont go in there Luv. Its a mess." 2d says letting go. "Im ok with a mess, but if you dont want me to thats ok." You say moving a box. You go to the store with Russ and Noodz and get some paint. You get red, black and white to match their logo. You also get some tape to out on the walls to make designs.

This picture is from my room but that's what's going to be on the wall in the story

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This picture is from my room but that's what's going to be on the wall in the story.

You were so excited you couldn't sit still. When u get home you start painting it. Russ and noods help. They go to a restaurant and you pass. You thought everyone was gone but no. You are on the latter trying to get the top when 2d comes in. "Yew need 'elp?" 2d asks. He scared you and you fell. He caught you in his arms because he was right next to the latter. "Yew ok?" He asks. "Y-yes I'm fine. Are you?" "Of course im fine! I wasnt the kne who fell off a latter!" "True. Can you help me?" "Thats what i asked. Yes. But 'ow 'bout I do the top cuz I don't 'ant yew to fall off again." He says sounding concerned. "Oh yeah." You begin on the bottom and he finishes the top. Once the whole room was done, you and 2d had paint all on eachother. "Ahhh I'm bleedin'!" 2d yells and puts red paint all over his face. "Oh no it's contagious!" You yell laughing. 2d gets a newspaper, rolls it up, and puts paint all over it and throws it at you. "Hey!!" You yell picking it up. You put black paint on it and throw it. 2d grabs more newspaper and throws it at you. "What is this about?!" We both look over and see Russel. "He started it!" You say pointing to 2d. "Ok so!? You continued it!" "Hmf." You say crossing your arms. "You two are like children." "Both must have brain damage." Murdoc says as he walks by. "Nuh uh!" You yell to him. You washed you face and hands. After you got all cleaned up you ate some food. You looked for 2d you found his room door shut. You open it and you see him laying in bed without a shirt. You were debating on leaving or going to him. You stood in the doorway until you heard 2d say "wot a'e yew doin'?" You look up to see him in just pants. You blush and look down. "I-i just came in here to check on you." "Oh. I see. Want to watch a movie now?!" He asks excited. "Yes of course!" You say."Why a'e yew so showt?" 2d says looking down at you. Youlook down and blush. "That's just the way I am." You stop blushing." I've always been made fun off cuz I was the shortest person at my school." You sigh."I'm not twying to make it like tat. I like tat about yew." 2d says walking up to hug you. "I've always been made fun of for being short, fat, ugly, and dumb." You say starting to tear up. "I'm so sorry I'm so emotional." "That's OK. No need to be sorry." 2d says. You blush at the fact your touching his bare skin. You hug him back. Murdoc walks by you and says "Wot are yew doing?" You get off him immediately and say "i-i was just thanking him for helping me paint my room! That's all!" I say backing up. "By the way. you room isn't going to be dry until tomarow so you have time sleep on the couch." He says ponting to a couch in the living room. "OK I'm fine with that." I say going to my room the grab my blanket. " You can sleep in my room." 2d says. "No, no I'm good. The couch is fine." "No come on it doesn't bother me." 2d says again. "And it doesn't bother me to sleep on the couch. Maybe some other time ok?" " fine." 2d says rolling his eyes. You laught. "So... about the movie?" You say. "Oh yeah! Come in!" He says getting out if your way. His room was a mess but not as bad as yours. You sit on his bed and put the blanket on. His bed smells like him. Well duh he sleeps in it. But it smells so good. You grab his pillow and shove your face in it. The smell was butterscotch angel delight. You knew that because it was his favorite smell as a kid and Noodle said that in the New York Times interview. She was right. And so was he. It smells great! "butterscotch angel delight." He say. "Yes." 2d says sitting at the foot of his bed. "Oh how I love that smell." You say falling back into the put the pillow over your face and lay there. 2d takes the pillow off your face. "Don't suffocate yourself Luv, haven't even started the movie." He says sitting next to you. You sit up and scooch back. He puts his arm around you and you moved closer. "What movie are we watchin'?" You ask. "Dawn of the dead. That's my favorite movie." He says. (Btw this is all real information. Search what does wd smell like and it will come up butterscotch angel delight. Search up what's 2d from gorillaz favorite movie and go the the first video by cheesycheesycocopuff.) "O-ok. Also is there any jumpscares?" You ask. "Yes. There's 10." " ok..." "Why?" He asks looking down at you. You rest your head on his shoulder. "I just don't like jumpscares." "But yew didn't get scawed when I jumpscared you." "Well that's cause just saw you go behind the door. Sorry." "No,no it's ok. Also we don't have to watch it." "No but I want to! I've never seen it." "Ok!" 2d starts to play it. (I've never seen this movie before so if you know when the jumpscares are tell me!!) A few minutes later there was a jumpscares. You quickly jumped and clinged into 2d. You hid your face in his shoulder. This happened a couple more times. When the last one it scared you so much you hugged 2d really tight. "It's OK Luv." He said hugging you. He picked you up and put you on his lap and hugged you. You blushed madly and hugged him back. You fell asleep with your head on his bare chest. You woke up on the couch. I thought I was sleeping on 2d? Was it a dream?

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