"Ladys, gentlemen, mimics and folk of all kinds. It is my most supreme honour and pleasure to introduce you all to my mate, future Queen of Nel Mezzo, who will rule beside me for eternity, Lady Avalon Marie Cruz. Daughter of Betsy Faith Clearwater of the Plains, priestess of The Way of the Grass, and Talik Cruz. Puma Warrier." He looked at me with hungry eyes. A woman approached us, a small delicate crown. Fine golden wires had been manipulated to look like a star patterned lace. Rama set the crown on my head. It was heavier than it looked. My heart skipped a beat as he switched from Kingly demeanour.

The entire way he carried himself changed. Leaning down close to whisper. His breath warm in my ear, his words only for me. "I can not wait to know you," His eyes travelled up and down my body in a way that should have repulsed me.

Instead of repulsed, he made me want to get on my knees and worship him to see what he would give me in return. "To know you in every. Possible. Way. Avalon." he continued. Every word was punctuated. I couldn't concentrate as he licked his lower lip, just how I wanted to lick him and taste him now. Something was wrong with me. My emotions were all over the place. I was only getting so turned on because he had come just when I had already given up on getting out of the room. I was just high on freedom from my gilded cage.

I was trying to think of something smart to respond with. He wasn't my mate. This wasn't my home. When Rama stepped back, and the entire crowd bent down to bow before me in a wave. Rising with a cheers and raucous applause. I felt awkward, I didn't like feeling like I was lying to these people. They were celebrating a Queen that didn't want the title.

I wasn't sure what I expected would happen next, a celebrity style meet and greet with everyone here was not what I imagined. I was suddenly inundated with questions about where I had come from. Offerings of everything from women who wanted to work as my maid or lady in waiting, or whatever I required, to promises of gifted horses, and furs, and jewels. I tried to be polite, turning everyone down. Gently when some looked crushed that I didn't want them to wait on me. Switching to a refrain of just not right now, I wished to get more familiar with everything first, figure out what I needed. It was all such a drastic change for me to just be here I would demure. Over and over until I was nearly exhausted of all my social skills and reserves for an entire year.

As I was once again telling another young wolf that I wasn't taking a maid just yet, that a gong rang out announcing dinner. Everyone quickly scattered into their various groups to move to the dining room from yesterday. Rama appeared by my side, taking my hand. With confidence and surety, leading me to the dining room. Only pausing to whisper in my ear, "You were wonderful with the people Avalon." His breath warm against my skin. It was unfair how handsome he was and good and just manly he smelled.

Thankfully for me, the dining room so looked so different it was enough to distract me from the man who certainly wasn't my mate beside me. There were far more tables now, and many more chairs as the enormous central table. Each table had elaborate center pieces and runners running head to bottom. Ivy and wildflowers wound and circled around candles and twisted driftwood. Every fireplace and lamp was lit, with more of the magical dancing lights around the ceiling. This time it seemed like the lights were mimicking a slowly changing night sky. Just barely moving enough to notice. Occasionally one or two would break free from their faux constellation to shoot across the ceiling like falling stars.

Rama led me to the head of the table. Exactly where I had sat yesterday. He pulled out my chair, and carefully helped me settle into place so my dress wasn't caught up under the chair. Rama stood in front of his place, looking over the crowd with a smile. "Let the feast of Lady Avalon begin!" He boomed, filling the entire space. Finishing with a clap of his hands that summoned dinner plates in front of everyone all at once.

The room devolved into friendly chatter. The sound of many forks and knives on plates, of drinks pouring, laughter between friends echoing all around. I looked around at the other guests. Everyone looked sincerely happy. The hum in the air was joyful and jubilant. I was sincerely caught off guard by the real mirth that surrounded me.

I turned to look at Rama. "Everyone seems so happy?" the words slipping free from my lips before my brain could stop them.

"Many have waited a long time to see a Queen finally take the throne." He said plainly, not quite understanding my surprise. "May I?" He gestured towards my still untouched bun, and crock of home made butter.

I nodded. Watching as she cut my square bun with a cross, lifting the newly formed petals up to liberally slather the butter over every nook and cranny. His hands were dexterous, strong and sure. I had never found someone buttering bread attractive. My fourth week of celibacy was catching up with me.

He nudged my prepared plate back towards me. I picked up the still warm bun. Glad Rama had made sure to finish mine for me so I could enjoy it. It was divine on my tongue. The bread had a chewy crust with an airy light centre. The butter was herbed and well salted. I inhaled the bun in far too few bites.

While I ate Rama made small talk with the guests nearby. He knew his people. He reached out to talk to those are nearby tables. I lost count of the number of times I saw him nod across the room to let a subject know they had been noticed. He was constantly, simultaneously paying attention to me, and making sure his people felt seen. Several minutes after I had finished my bun, he snapped his fingers and the plates were switched out. A healthy portion of fried, spiced squid chips served on a bed of arugula dressed with a lemon ginger sauce, peanuts and cilantro.

It had been so long since I had enjoyed fresh squid. Especially squid that had been cooked this perfectly. The salad was light and fresh. I adored every bite. As I ate, I watched Rama continue to work the crowd. Watch his people. He was waiting for almost everyone to finish, trying to make sure everyone was taken care of as we ate. I was enjoying watching him as he acted like king. He was a good leader. I could see how deeply he cared for his people. He knew them, asked direct, personal questions about their health and well being. Asking after livestock by name more than once.

Rama snapped his fingers, a soup course was next. He knew the names of everyone's children. There was no one who approached him that he was surprised or caught off guard by. A few even said they were looking forward to the mating hunt, that they would be so blessed to take their mate the same night as their king did.

Everyone was so earnest I didn't even interject to say that wouldn't be happening. I was going to be the perfect consort and captive possible. I was small, mom always said that was an advantage, people would always underestimate me. If all I had to do to was play princess to gain some more freedom, it was a rather easy price to pay. I would run the first chance I had. Straight back to my mom where I would start to rebuild my life into a life into one that would bring me some better sense of peace, and a better life for mom, somewhere greener. Where we could both be happy.

**Hello! Thank you so much for reading Wild Avalon! I am very excited about where this story goes next. I just finished giving all the posted chapters a little editing touch up.

What do we think of my first hybrid?

Or what does anyone think of our kind out time and place Rama?

Any stories of mine you think absolutely need another part written?

Thanks so much for reading! Every single chapter like and comment brings me much joy.**

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