Chapter 8(Nico)

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Nico really thought they would make it through Tartarus without running into a titan. Yet here he was standing before, none other than the Oceanus. He held a fisherman's net and a trident, his power shook the earth beneath Nico. Percy was pale, yet his face held a confident expression. Nico was not convinced.

"Well look who it is, the sea prince himself! In a place like this, now what did you do this time?" Oceanus mocked, his face turned into a disappointed expression.

Percy gulped, "Well we are... providing a..." 


Percy sent a ludicrous look to Nico, Nico flushed. Percy shrugged, then looked back at Oceanus who had advanced a few steps. He now stood a few steps from Percy. Nico could sense a large fight coming, he unsheathed his sword.

"They serve McDonald's this far down?" Oceanus questioned.

The demigods nodded, "Yeah, it was a special request! Zeus sent us..." 

Thunder cracked in the distance. 'How was there thunder in Tartarus?' Nico thought, before snapping back to reality. Oceanus started to laugh,

"Perseus Jackson, I'm not that foolish! And I think it's time we had our rematch!" Oceanus grabbed his net, which was hanging from his hip and spun it on his hand. Taking a battle stance, before the titan pounced like a lion after his prey. 

"I think I'll take you to my prison." He taunted

"I think you'll like it there, plenty of demigod fights. Arenas, torture chambers, all the good stuff!" Oceanus cackled.

Percy froze, Oceanus took this to his advantage. He threw his net, narrowly missing the son of Poseidon, who ducked out of the way just in time. Nico took a battle stance, sending Percy a look. Percy caught his eye and seemed to understand his message. 

"Hey LakeBrain!" Percy taunted

"I think I'll take you up on your offer! You should totally take me to your prison, I think it's a great fit for me. That is, if you can catch me." 

Percy brought his hands up to his face, striking a pose before dodging another net throw. Nico grabbed the net, pulling it towards him and using his sword to cut holes into it. 

"MY NET! Mom gave that to me for a birthday present!" Oceanus whined.

"Titans have birthdays?" Nico asked.

Percy laughed, before grabbing the other side of the net. Making more holes in it with Riptide. Then he tossed the net to Nico, winking as he continued to draw Oceanus away. Nico pulled the net into his hand, then he started to draw the shadows. Nico knew he wasn't supposed to shadow-travel too much, otherwise he would fade. But, Tartarus gave him a strength boost, so he continued the process. Disappearing into the shadows, net in tow.

Then he reappeared above Oceanus, dropping the net over him. His head fit perfectly into one of the holes they cut. Nico landed on Oceanus' shoulder, pulling the net around his torso. Percy manipulated the Phlegethon to his will, and used it to wrap the net tighter around Oceanus. 

After their job was done, Nico hopped off of Oceanus' shoulder pulling himself into a roll. Percy offered Nico his hand, pulling him back into a standing position. Then after a quick breath of silence, they began to celebrate. 

"This was much easier than last time." Percy noted, no tone in his voice. 

Nico couldn't tell if it were a good thing or not. 

"Well maybe it's because you already beat him once." Nico assured.

Percy shook his head, "Something is wrong. There is no way that Oceanus would be this mellow after being beaten."

Nico had to agree, the titan wasn't the most humble. A loud RIP broke their conversation, confirming Percy's suspicions. Oceanus stood taller, anger flooding his features.


He pulled another net from a hidden pocket. Reinforced with a strange irony texture, and much bigger than the other net. Oceanus threw the net, this time his aim improved. The trap fell onto Percy, before Nico could warn him. The rope started to tighten around him, twisting the demigod into a forced stance. The boy was covered in the metallic rope, and struggling only made it tighter.

"Percy you have to stop moving!" Nico shouted.

Percy met his eyes, fear clouding his eyes. He was going to die. Percy's face was red, from lack of oxygen or from anger, Nico didn't know. The son of Hades began to panic. He scurried to where Percy was trapped, using his sword as a saw. 

"NICO MOVE!" Percy choked.

Nico turned to the side, Oceanus had another trap. Nico tripped out of the way. 

"One down, one to go!" Oceanus piped.

Nico rushed to grab his sword, narrowly missing another one of the titan's killer traps. 

"Nico you have to go." Percy whispered, clearly running out of air.

Nico shook his head, "I'm NOT leaving you to die here, Perce!"

"You have to Nico. If you don't we both end up dead. No defeating Gaea or anything."

"He's right Nico Di Angelo, son of Hades. You cant save him from his fate. You can join him though!" The titan, offered.

Oceanus scooped up Percy, holding him in his hand like a toy. Then he reached for Nico, who evaded strike after strike. Nico couldn't keep this up. He would be captured by Oceanus, within minutes.  His motions slowed, sweat dripping down his brow, breath shallow. Finally when Nico was on his last straw, a shadow passed over Oceanus. A figure with a giant broom.

The broom whooshed through the air, knocking Oceanus towards the Phlegethon, Percy's cocoon out of his hand. Nico looked up to the figure. It was a titan, a few feet taller than Oceanus with shaggy brown hair. It was Bob. Nico pulled himself onto his feet, running towards Percy. The raven haired teen was out cold. Nico pulled Percy into his arms, reaching for his sword he began to cut the chains. One string fell, the ropes were stronger than anything Nico had ever seen. Hopefully Bob could hold of Oceanus long enough for Nico to free Percy.

He really should stop hoping. Oceanus rose from his fall, planting his feet in the ground and running towards Bob. The fellow titan fended him off with his broom. Oceanus was tired, he would make a mistake. When he did, Bob would defeat him. However Oceanus seemed to know this, and made a decision. He turned heel and ran to where Nico was holding Percy. The titan grabbed Percy out of his hands, then he laughed.

"I hope you live a long happy life in this potlid, demigod. You will never see your friend again." 

Oceanus then reached for his trident, slamming the bottom onto Nico. Nico's sight faded, dots swam in his vision and soon Nico lost all consciousness. 


Well that was quite the chapter. I really love the idea of Nico saving Percy, because Percy has saved Nico so many times. So now, I am going to give Percy more trauma! YAY! But as always I DONT OWN PERCY JACKSON, OR ANY OTHER CHARACTERS IN THIS FANFIC, UNLESS THERE IS AN OC.... WHICH I DOUBT.. Thanks for the support guys!

-LanLo <3

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