Annabeth (Prologue)

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"This floor won't last!" Hazel shouted. "The rest of us should climb the ladder."

Plumes of dust and cobwebs blasted from holes in the floor. The spider's silk support cables began to snap causing raptures in the floor. Hazel scurried to the ladder gesturing Nico to follow, but Nico wasn't in any condition to sprint.

"It'll be fine" Percy reassumed her, tightening his grip around Annabeth's hand. Leo, Frank and Jason began to lift the statue off the insecure platform, when suddenly Annabeth felt a slight jolt around her bad leg.

"What is it?" Percy asked clearly concerned by Annabeth's reaction.

"Nothing." Annabeth slipped out as she staggered towards the ladder where Nico was trying to climb up. 

Then everything went wrong, she tripped being pulled backwards by some mysterious force, and Hazel started to shout.

"Her ankle! Cut it, cut it!"

Cut her ankle? Annabeth's mind was frazzled from pain. Percy didn't realize what Hazel meant either, when something pulled Annabeth backward dragging her towards the monstrous pit. Percy reached to grab her arms but misses, Nico hobbles in to help. However, he slips and starts to plummet, barely managing to cut the wire coiled around Annabeth's leg. Percy, his senses restored jumps into action pulling Annabeth back onto the platform. Only to realize Nico is holding on for dear life on a small ledge.

"Help them!" Hazel screams, but her voice doesn't reach the chaos down below.

Nico's hand begins to slip, but Percy grabs it just in time. Then another string wraps itself around Nico's leg dragging him further down the pit. Percy gets pulled down too, slightly catching a small ledge.

"Don't let go!" Nico stutters, his face completely white from sheer terror.

"I won't! I promise!" Percy replies.

"Annabeth! The other side, we'll meet you there. Understand?" Percy says looking up at her.

"Percy, You promised we'd stay together!" Annabeth croaks, tears in her eyes.

"Annabeth, I can't let him fall again." Percy says.

His fatal flaw, personal loyalty was going to make him fall into the depths of Tartarus. Annabeth shook her head,

"No I'm coming with you."

"I'm sorry." Percy cries out, before letting go of the ledge he was holding onto. Before he and Nico disappeared into darkness.

"NO!" Annabeth shrieks, preparing to jump in after them. But Jason grabs her and manipulates the air, forcing her back onto the Argo II. Annabeth screams, throwing her body into Jason.

"PERCY! PERCY!" She breaks down into tears.

"It should have been me." She stutters.

"No, Annabeth. We need you, right here. We'll meet them there, at the Doors of Death. We will see them again." Piper says, somehow still confident.

Annabeth stops fighting and curls up into a ball. Hazel who is also crying leans her head on Piper, desperate for her brother and Percy to be with them.

"We just got him back from that place..." She whispers.

"He'll come back, I know he will," Piper replies, but she sounds more like she's convincing herself.

Leo steers the Argo II away from the pit of rubble, knowing that two of his friends have fallen into a place even the gods dare not go. And as the rest of the crew tries to acknowledge what just happened, their minds draw a blank.

===============================================================================AAN: HI GUYS IM LANLO, This is my first public fanfic so pls no hate :D I'm trying to work on my writing skills and i've been thinking abt this scenario for a while! Also I don't really have an upload schedule i just kinda write whenever. 

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