Chapter 5 (Nico)

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Percy's recovery was much faster than Nico thought it would be. While he and Percy were sleeping the monsters moved along, completely unaware the demigods were right beneath their noses. So they had continued their journey to find the Phlegethon, while making awkward conversation along the way. Nico was still reeling from the fact that he had managed to heal Percy when-

"Nico!" Percy voice interrupted his inner monologue.

Nico looked to Percy confused, "Percy?"

"Neeks, LOOK." Percy popped out his arm pointing at something in the distance.

Nico's eyes followed his arm, finally settling on a glowing river ahead. Nico breath caught, the Phlegethon was beautiful. The glowing embers of the fire, and the vibrant orange burned its way into his head. He nearly cried, how could something in hell be so pretty? 

Percy's stomach interrupted the moment. Nico met Percy's eyes, and Percy flushed. The half-bloods made their way towards the river of fire, and Percy sank onto the river bank. Nico barely managed to grab Percy's arm before he tried to scoop some of the fire out of the river.

"Percy, you're gonna burn off your fingers like that."

"Eh, my fingers can suck it, my stomach takes full priority."

Nico rolled his eyes at the comment, and grabbed Percy's arm before he tried to put in his in the fire again. 'When did he get so comfortable holding Percy's hand?' Nico wondered, dropping Percy's arm. 

They really had to hurry up if they didn't want to die to a horde of monsters. It really only was a matter of time before a Fury or some other horrible monster caught onto their scent and they'd have to fight for their life, so it was better to keep moving. Then Nico thought of something he didn't know if it would work, but if it did they would be set and would keep their fingers.

"Jackson, I have an idea." 

Percy looked up at him expectantly, 

"Go on."

"Why don't you control the river? I mean you managed to control the other one and, I don't know maybe you would get a new weapon out of it."

"I can try, but the other river didn't feel like water. It was like too fluid or something, this region is beyond the reach of my Dad so I still have no idea how I controlled the other river." 

"Percy, I think you can do it. If you think about it, it makes sense. The main primodonials which shall NOT be named-" 

Nico glared at Percy then continued

"had the gods, our parents. So maybe our powers are even stronger down here? Maybe we could even harness them and when we fight against the 'dirt lady' as Leo calls her, we'll be more powerful!" 

Nico was fanboying. He had grown up on mythromagic, which was pretty much where all his Not-So-Mythological-Mythology knowledge came from. So he kinda loved theorizing why he and Percy could still use their powers and such.

"Nico, you're a genius." Percy blinked

Nico grinned, really grinned, his cheeks met his eyes and everything. The compliment made his heart race, the fact that Percy freaking Jackson thought he was a genius was everything to him. Then everything went wrong-

"Nico? LOOK OUT!" Percy shouted

Nico turned confused, 5 quills whizzed through the air. Nico narrowly managed to shadow-travel away. Dr. Thorn had found them. Nico knew staying at the Phlegethon was  dangerous, he just got wrapped up in his thoughts. How could he be so stupid?! 

Percy once again snapped Nico out of his thoughts, this time with a blood curdling scream.

"GET THE HADES AWAY FROM HIM!" Percy shouted as he threw his hands out.

The Phlegethon obeyed, bending and moving with Percy's command. Percy screamed again, using the fire-water to blast a handful of Empousai behind Nico. Nico turned taking in the scene. After he had shadow-travelled before, the Empousai had gather behind him while Dr. Thorn was to deal with Percy, but thanks to the son of Poseidon Nico was not gobbled up by the monsters.

Percy fell to his knees, the use of the river must've exhausted him. He would be totally defenceless against Dr. Thorn, so Nico did the only thing he thought of. He grabbed his sword, ignoring the goosebumps crawling over his skin in fear. Then he dashed to where Percy was. Standing in front and defending him against any of Dr. Thorn's attacks.

Nico fought like his life depended on it, probably because it did. He swung his sword at Dr. Thorn's leg, parrying the quills constant attack. Dr. Thorn roared, the sound stung Nico's ears as he continued to defend the older demigod. Thats when Dr. Thorn started to fly. The manticore was out of reach, so Nico was stuck playing D until Dr. Thorn's likely reinforcements came. 

That's when a large tentacle of fire grabbed the manticore around the waist. Nico turned to see  Percy, sitting on the ground with his arms raised. Nico wondered if this is what it looked like when Percy held the sky. The demigod's eyes glowed as he let out a battlecry, balling his hands into fists and pulling them towards his chest. The tentacle wrapped tighter around Dr. Thorn's huge body, burning the manticore's skin.

The monster tried shooting quills at Percy, but Nico swiped them away. The monster was doomed, thats when Percy spoke.

"WHERE ARE THE DOORS OF DEATH!" He shouted, his voice raw.

The manticore shrieked, but the tentacle tightened. Dr. Thorn knew his fate, he was destined to die at the hands of the demigod. 

"Follow the Phlegethon!" He gagged out.

Pointing his scorpion-esque tail to Nico's left. Then Percy tightened his hold and then a POP made all of Tartarus go silent. Gold dust scattered in the rotten air, as the manticore melted away. 

"You were right." Percy choked out.

Nico looked at him, the demigod's skin was tinted green. Nico made a decision. He sat down next to Percy and hugged him.

"Thank you Percy" 


HEY GUYS!!! I ACTUALLY UPDATED WOO! So yeah I finally have the entire story mapped out, and stuff. All 50 chapters! It might change but i have a plan now so yay! This chapter i totally combined with chapter 6, which was reaching the Phlegethon. But i think this was more fluid in the long run. Next chapter we catch up with the rest of the 7, with Annabeth POV!!! AS ALWAYS, all the characters belong to Uncle Rick! I own nothing but this particular fanfic! Thanks for the encouragement, updates soon!

-LanLo <3


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