Chapter 6 (Annabeth)

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Annabeth woke in a cold sweat, tears streaming out of her eyes, breathing uneven. She sat up, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand, and examining her surroundings. Sea-foam wallpaper, group photos on the desk, the queen sized mattress with blue sheets, she was still on the Argo II. In Percy's room.

Annabeth sucked in a breath. She wasn't covered in spiders, she wasn't being pulled into Tartarus by Arache, and she most definitely wasn't single now. Even thinking that gave her ghostly chills, the thought of him in that place-


The voice, belonged to Frank, the son of Mars.

"Oh, Frank" Annabeth stuttered.

"Um, Leo wants us all in the dining room..." Frank mumbled.

Annabeth nodded quickly, as Frank left the room.

The interaction alone, reminded her that now she was the most qualified to lead the Seven. So, Annabeth got out of bed, and hurriedly threw on an orange camp half-blood T-shirt, a pair of jeans, and one of Percy' hoodies. She pulled her hair back, tying it into a knot, and brushed her teeth. Now, fully prepared for the day, she made her way to the dining room. 

The rest of the Seven were already gathered in the dining room, sitting in their normal seats around the circular table. 3 seats remained empty out of the 8. Percy's seat to the left of Frank, Annabeth's seat on Percy's right. Nico's between Hazel's and Jason's seat. 

Annabeth didn't take her normal seat next to Leo, instead she sat in Nico's empty seat. Hazel's puffy eyes and wet cheeks reminded Annabeth of her own. Hazel met Annabeth's eyes but looked away. 

"So I guess you guys wanna know why I called you here." Leo said, a small smile on his face. Hands fiddling with small gears, he continued.

"The way I see it, we have two different options. We can A- Take Annabeth's mom to CHB, A.S.A.P  and prevent a war between the Greeks and Romans from breaking out. Then go pick up Percy and Nico, and making it to Athens. Or B- Go straight to the Doors of Death, and pick up our friends. Then going to Athens to take of Dirt Aunt!" Leo explained.

The Seven looked at each other, then Jason started to speak.

"I think there's only one option here guys. We have to go with A. It's the ONLY viable option! We can save the Greeks and Romans from bloodshed and save our friends!"

Hazel shook her head, 

"I am not leaving my brother in that pit any longer than he has to be! I'm not leaving Percy either, he is one of the Seven and therefore be has to be there for us to defeat Gaea!"

"I say we put it up to a vote." Frank suggested.

The rest of the seven agreed. Annabeth was going to put her boyfriend's life in the hands of the Seven. It all depended on how they voted. 

"All in favor for plan A." Piper asked.

4 hands rose.

Annabeth's hands shook. Her facade of being put together fell.  Tears fell down her face, she looked to Hazel. She was curled into a ball, rocking herself back and forth. Annabeth reached over and pulled Hazel into her arms as Leo dismissed the meeting.

They were going back to Camp Half-Blood, without Percy and Nico.


Hey guys! So I thought this chapter was necessary to develop Annabeth and Hazel's friendship for the future and it's important for Percy and Nico's arc. Next chapter we meet BOB!! OF COURSE AS ALWAYS- All rights to the characters and such belongs to Rick Riordan! I only own this fanfic! Love you guys!

-LanLo <3

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