Chapter 4 (Percy)

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Percy could feel Nico shuddering. He could relate, Percy had never beaten Dr.Thorn, that was all Thalia, the punk daughter of Zeus and sister of Jason Grace. Percy pulled Nico closer, Nico gasped, surprised by the sudden movement. Nico now standing right against Percy's side, seemed to melt. Percy leaned closer to Nico, and whispered,

"We need to get around them."

Nico nodded in  response,  completely pale. 

The half-bloods crept closer to the voices, keeping their breath shallow. Percy grabbed Nico's hand, and led him behind a boulder just out of the monster's sight. The surrounding was very Tartarus. A sharp rocky cliff hanging over the monster's providing a shadowed area, and tall peaks around the monster's camp. A pot over a fire, with a metallic scent in the air. Percy nearly barfed just because of the stinch. 

The sharp french accent of Dr. Thorn filled the silence, 

"-that infuriating child of Hades, Niccolo Di Angelo will face my wrath. He is in our terrain now, and I will be one he falls to."

Nico squeezed Percy's hand, trying not to make a sound. 

Another voice started talking, "The Earth Mother wants Perseus, alive."

The conversation continued, but Percy couldn't pay attention. The metallic smell suddenly choked Percy. It made its way to his lungs. He gasped trying to get a breath, Nico looked at him concerned. Something was wrong, the mountainous biome around them darkened. The air was thicker, Percy couldn't think. Everything was spinning, spinning, spinning, a small prick on his ankle burned.

Percy tripped, falling on Nico. Nico stood taller, and grabbed Percy's other arm in desperation. He pulled Percy closer, so he was completely depending on him to walk. Percy's sight got foggy, but he trusted that Nico would know what to do.

Nico started walking, if the speed they were going could even be called walking. Percy grew dizzy, unable to orient his feet in front of the other. Nico tightened his grip on Percy, leading him to a small cave around the corner of their previous hiding place.

It was incredibly risky to be hiding this close to the monsters, but they had no choice. Percy could barely walk, and they wouldn't get far. Nico moved a small boulder in front of the entrance, hopefully concealing their hideaway from Dr. Thorn. 

Nico set Percy down, leaning his back against the wall and stretching out his legs. Then Nico inspected Percy, looking for anything that could explain his fatigue. Up and down, his eyes searched. Nico lifted Percy's shirt slowly looking for scratches or blood. Nothing.

Nico sighed, and sat beside Percy-who was slowing losing all feeling in his waist. Percy started to slump, Nico sat Percy back up.

"Are you okay, Percy?" Nico whispered

Percy tried responding 'NO I THINK SOMETHING BIT MY ANKLE AND POISONED ME!' but it really came out as mumbling. Percy tried to think, tried to move, tried to do anything. He was completely stunned. 

"ankle."  Percy whispered.

Nico blinked,


"ankle" Percy said again

He wouldn't be able to repeat it a third time. Luckily Nico caught his glances at his leg. Nico scrambled over to Percy's legs, removing his shoes and socks, and rolling up his jeans. Nico manipulated the shadows, trying to create enough light to see. A small thorn was stuck in Percy's flesh. Nico reached down and grabbed it, trying to pull it out. The thorn extended, when Nico finally got it out it was 5 inches long.

Percy groaned, the thorn had released something into his skin. He could feel it. Percy glared at Nico, trying to catch his eyes, successfully doing so. Then he looked from his ankle to Nico and back.

Nico seemed to understand. The thorn was one of Dr. Thorn's bristles, a sharp poisonous trap for any demigod. Annoyingly the venom could only be removed one way, and would definitely kill if it was left untreated.

"Nico, you have to get the venom out." Percy rasped, desperately.

Nico glared daggers, "No, I am SO NOT sucking the venom out of your leg."

Percy sighed, this was going to be rough.

"You'd better say your goodbyes then." he coughed.

Nico choked, "Don't say that. You'll be fine."

"We both know i won't be, Nico" Percy barely got out.

Percy's mouth started to shutter. When the poison made it to his heart, he'd be dead. He really couldn't argue with Nico about this, he had to save his energy. So instead of adding talking,  he glanced at Nico. Pouring everything, his emotions, his strength, his energy into the glance. He started to cry.

Nico met his clouded eyes, Percy knew he would die if Nico refused to help him. Then he looked back down to Percy's ankle and followed through the motion. Placing his thin lips on Percy's ankle and sucking hard. The venom came out slowly, a small bit went into Nico's mouth, but he kept going. Percy winced, his leg was actually pretty swollen and the amount of his sweat in his face really wasn't helping.

Nico sat up, turned and spat. Then he went right back to getting the venom out of Percy's leg. It really wasn't a very efficient method, and having the anti-venom would've helped, but it got the job done. Nico repeated these steps for about 45 minutes, until Percy's ankle stopped swelling and his temperature went down. Percy started regaining feeling in his muscles and he could say short sentences, but really he needed to rest.

Nico finally spat the last amount of venom into the small pool he had previously created, and went to wrap the wound. He ripped a small piece of his shirt and fastened it around Percy's ankle. After he pulled back down Percy's jeans and put back on his socks and shoes. Then he sat down next to Percy and stretched. Then curling into a small Nico sized ball he fell asleep, exhausted. 

Percy looked at him for a minute. He looked different to Percy, maybe because he was more mature and had just saved the older demigods life from going to Hades, probably because he wasn't the same small boy who was almost killed by Dr. Thorn. He was a fully fledged demigod hero, just like what the god's wanted. Nico had lost his innocence, his love for the Greek and Roman world, his entire life even! Just because Percy walked into his life.

So Percy pledged something that day. Nico would make it out of the pit alive, even if it was the last thing he did.


WELL THAT WAS QUITE A CHAPTER! I know sucking venom out of bites doesn't really work, BUT IN THIS PARTICULAR SITUATION it does. I really had fun with this chapter and tried making it longer, and working on my tartarus building. Next chapter Percy and Nico rematch Dr. Thorn! Also now i have a goal! So in the original Percy Jackson series the word count it about 62,000 words. And with the pace I'm going that would be 100 chapters. So im gonna try to do half! My goal is 50 chapters for this story! Also post QnA questions in the comment section and ill try answering some. ALSO AS USUAL- RICK RIORDAN OWNS ALL THESE LOVELY CHARACTERS AND THE PLOT TO THE MAIN STORY, BUT I OWN ALL THE AU STUFF IN THIS CANON!

-LanLo <3

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