Chapter 9 ~ Fire burns in Ice's Embrace

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Third Person POV:

After the long conversation between the ninja and the king, Kai and the soul led them to their temporary rooms. Kai seemed to be having a quiet conversation with Red. Nya kept glancing at her trying to figure out why the girl looks familiar. Jay noticed her stare and looked in her direction, "Watcha looking at? Are looking at the girl?" Nya snapped out of her thoughts and whipped her head to face Jay. "O-oh! Yeah... I don't know why, but she looks familiar to me. I can't place my finger on it," she explains as she looks down. "Why don't you ask Kai? He seems to know her."

"I guess...." Nya sighs in exhaustion. This palace seemed pretty big. The ninja wondered how big it looked on the outside. Kai and the soul form of Red stopped by two medium sized doors that were in the shapes of gates.

They opened the door and the ninja gasped in awe. The room was a square room, the color was light pinkish-red with black highlights. There were 6 beds on each side of the room with nightstands in between them for each person sleeping in each bed. A door with the same shape and size was in the room as well, which had a hallway leading to both sides where the closet and bathrooms are. There were glass doors, that were the same shape but smaller size as the first door, that lead to a giant half-circle balcony with pots filled with flowers of all kinds. And from the view, they can see the whole back of the castle. Like the training yard, the pond as big as a mansion, a whole garden with many flowers or herbs, a small maze leading to a statue of a woman, wearing a long puffy dress with wings and had her right arm raised, holding some sort of orb, in the center if the maze. And finally an area with signs in the front entrance of a beautiful rose garden. All the ninja besides Zane ran around the room and into the doors to the balcony or bathroom. Red followed them to make sure they did not ruin any of the organization that she had worked hard on.

Kai smiled and looked to Zane, noticing he did not join the others. "You alright there bud? You've been pretty quiet since we left the kitchen..." The nindroid nodded, as to not worry the fire ninja. Kai grinned as bright as the sun as a reply to Zane's nod. He blushed but hoped Kai did not notice. After calming himself down he saw that the others were beginning to claim beds, "Which one would you like?" The master of ice asked. Kai blinked for a moment and smirked, "Oh... I have my own room so I won't sleep with the rest of you guys," He explained. Time seemed to freeze as the ninja started at Kai. After what felt like hours they all shouted. "What?!" "How do you already have your own room here?!" "I know people say first come, first serve but that's just uncalled for!" "Come on bro! You wanna switch rooms for the night?!"


Everyone shut themselves up and turn behind them, seeing the soul of Red. She covered her ears, furrowed eyebrows, closing her eyes shut. Kai's smirk faded instantly, he forgot about Red's fear to people shouting or yelling. Because then she might think they're mad at someone or even her, maybe just because it's a bad omen in her mind. Kai sighs and walks past the others, leaving them confused. He places his hand on hers as she flinches by his touch. He leans his head onto hers and whispers something to her. Although the others did not understand. Zane however felt something fume up in his system. He didn't like Kai being so close to the girl for some reason. It made him feel upset. Was it jealousy? Perhaps... He did not deny that he was catching feelings for the hothead. He sighed, trying to hide his rising jealousy.

The girl seemed to have calmed by the way her eyes were just closed as if she was dreaming and her hands were let loose from her ears. She breath shakes softly. The soul girl opened her eyes softly as Kai pulled his head away. "You better now? Need me to get you something?" He whispers. Red shakes her head, replying to the second question. He sighs and turns to the others. After a bit of explaining the ninja apologized, pointing out that's how they sometimes act. Red says nothing, as all she does is nod and she leaves the room. Not even a small smile or anything. "She's not much of a talker when it comes to people... Except if it's our kind."

"What do you mean our kind?" Nya asks suspiciously.

Kai blinks, "Well I hope you guys enjoy your stay and don't worry about anything else! If you have any questions, just call me or Chris!" He smiles nervously as he waves to his friends and walks out of the room. The Ninja stare from where he left the room and Nya glared down at the floor. "Something is up with him... But why doesn't he tell us anything? Does he not trust us enough? I'm his sister! He's supposed to tell me what's going on!" Nya begins to grow upset as specs of tears show. Jay hugs her and tries his best to calm her down, along with Lloyd and Cole. "I'll go around the palace. Maybe there's some clues around here and it would be a good idea to get a scope of how big this place is," Zane suggests. The others nod, allowing him to leave. Zane walks out and softly closes the two doors and sighs in exhaustion. He begins to walk around the castle to know where to go and what the other doors lead to. He found a door that led to the throne room, another that led to an office, another to a giant library, another to the knights' changing room. After a looking a few other doors, he found another bedroom that had many shades of red and bright gold highlights. Zane believes this could be Kai's room, just by looking at the color. He walks by the bed where a small dresser was with a lamp sitting on it. Zane grabs a picture frame from in front of the lamp and looks at it carefully.

It had Kai, Grey and that soul, Red, except she seemed more alive and human than a white and light pink ghost. She was also smiling. That was what threw Zane off for a moment. He instantly remembered the time when the ninja saw Kai's past, it had Red and she was smiling seeing him, getting excited over board games as well. Kai and Grey had their arms on each other's shoulders laughing at Red who was smiling as bright as the sun but seems shorter than both of them. Probably shorter than Lloyd or Jay. "It's weird isn't it?" Zane jumps almost dropping the frame. He turns in panic seeing Kai standing there with his arms crossed with his soft, yet warm smile. Zane blushed in embarrassment, "O-oh! Kai! I uh... Apologize for intruding into your room it-... I..."

Kai chuckles at Zane's flustering and stutters. Zane instantly stops talking so that he won't miss his chance to listen to Kai's beautiful and soft chuckle. His eyes beam bright as Kai walks towards him. His face becoming so heated, maybe a malfunction? Nope. Is it Kai? Maybe. "You know..." Kai begins as he kindly takes the frame from Zane's hand, "Red is usually more cheery and happier than anyone I have ever met. Even more than Jay ever could." Kai smiles as he remembers the times when Red was 'alive'. "She always loved the stories I told about our adventures together. She would act like a child most of the time, asking so many questions about you guys and the villains we've faced." Kai laughs, but it soon fades along with his smile, "Red is kinda like Lloyd and I... She never had her childhood... So I want to give her that chance... But she won't let me right now because she's...." Kai sighs placing the frame back on the dresser, under the lamp. Zane's heart broke seeing Kai so upset. Kai always wanted the best for everyone, that's what made him the best person to have in your life. The ice ninja slowly wrapped his arms around the fire ninja, hugging him tightly. Kai's eyes widen in surprise and soon does the same. "I'm sorry that you had to go through everything you had to. I want to help you and care for you just like you always do for the rest of us, "Zane whispers.

Kai blushes, almost as bright as his gi. He smiles.

"Thank you Zane....."

1,506 words!!! >:D
Sorry for not updating on both my stories for a while! School has been really stressful for me last month so I'm hoping to make up for it!
G'night and G'day to y'all! <3

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