Chapter 7 ~ What a friend hides but needs

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Third Person POV:

It is the middle of the night...

The ninja hardly had a good night's rest. The memory of seeing the girl, who's named Red, dying with a giant hole in her stomach. While Zane had something different. Another vision perhaps...?

Zane's Dream:

Zane opens his eyes as he's in, what seems like a pitch black room. As he looks infront of him, he could see a light glow behind him. He slowly turns to see Kai.

He was glowing a light, rosey pink color. He was just standing there as his hair was tied into a small ponytail but is was going up. At the end of his ponytail was a small flame being created. Zane reaches a hand out to him, "Kai...?" He calls with a soft voice. Kai turns his head a bit. Once he fully turns his body, facing left, Zane froze. Kai was smiling. But what confused him more was that he was, what looked like, he was crying waterfalls of a bit of a darker rosey pink. Like actual waterfalls, but the water fades into the pitch black floor where he stood. His eyes were the same color.

Zane didn't know if he should be afraid or calm about this. Kai just stands there, his smile was pretty wide. Not even a blink. Zane decides to talk to his friend, "Kai...? Are you alright?" Kai turns his body more. His whole body now facing Zanes. Kai finally opens his mouth and speaks, "Of course... Why wouldn't w̶e̷ be alright?", Zane was shocked to here the voice of Red, the ghost of the supposed 'dead' girl.

But what confused him more was that Kai said 'we' when he answered. "Will you set us free? " Zane woke up frome his thoughts and looked back up at Kai. His smile got smaller. His eyes half open. "What do you mean 'set us free?' ", Zane asks to the boy again. This time seeing his smile fade fully but his eyes grew a little more open.

"W̷i̴l̵l̵ ̵y̶o̸u̷ ̴s̶e̵t̷ ̷u̵s̸ ̶f̶r̴e̶e̵?̸!̸" Kai, and the voice of Red, began to sound more sad but demanding. "Yes! I will! But how do I set you free?", Zane just trying to calm his friend down. "S̵̙͈͆̓E̴͈̯͆̐T̵̻̎̈́ ̸̨̑Ǔ̶̃ͅS̵̢̥͗̆ ̶̝̄F̶͐̆͜R̸̲͈̐E̸̜̊Ȇ̶̥͕̏!̴͚̚͝!̵̗̱͠!̸̜̙͑", Kai screeches as his eyes and tears fades into a hot pink. He starts to look angry like the tone of his voice he used.

Zane was starting to worry more but yelled back, "BUT HOW DO I SET YOU FREE?!?" Kai grabs his head and begins to scream in pain. His head goes down as he grips the hairs on his head. Zane walks towards his friend to try and comfort him. He takes his hand out to put his hand on Kai's shoulder. As he did Kai looks up at Zane as his eyes glowed bright, almost blinding. Zane quickly blocks his eyes from the bright light.

Third Person POV:

As the light fades back to a pitch black, once again, he hears Kai calling him. Telling him to wake...




"Zane! Wake up!"

Zane jumps up in shock. He looks to his right to see Kai. "Woah, buddy... You alright?" Kai asks softly. Zane just pants and couldn't find the words to come out of his robotic mouth. He just nods and Kai smiles, "Alright..." Zane sits up and checks the time on his clock. His eyes widen as he realizes it's already 8. He jumps out of bed but is then stopped by Kai.

"Zane! Calm down. Since you didn't wake up I made everyone breakfast. You sure you doing okay though?" Kai asks in a soothing and quiet voice, trying to keep his friend calm. Zane sighs, "Yes... I apologize, I just had a nightmare and when you woke me up I was a little frightened." Kai puts a hand on his shoulder and Zane could tell he was very worried, "You wanna talk about it?"

Zane would actually like to but to Kai... It might scare him as well. Zane softly shook his head and a smile began to grow on his face, "Don't worry about it. The nightmare wasn't that terrifying. I should be fine. Thank you for worrying and making breakfast for everyone while I was still sleeping."

Kai smiles wider, "Of course buddy! That's what friends are for!" He hugs Zane hoping to bring comfort to the nindroid. Zane blushes a little but hugs back actually enjoying the heat coming off Kai, not wanting to let go. Kai breaks the hug and head to the kitchen with the others, where they are eating breakfast.

While they were walking, Zane realizes that Kai was still holding his wrist dragging him to the kitchen. Why do I feel like this...?, Zane asks himself in thought. And not only that but also he's been thinking of Kai a lot, mostly because of what's been going on. He actually never felt so worried about him after all his adventures with him. Well besides that time when Kai got captured by Pythor and was under one of the jets of the rocket that was a part of Project Arcturus. He was terrified when he thought he died.

Zane blinks and shakes his head from his thoughts, as they finally reached the kitchen. Kai let's go of Zanes wrist. "Hey guys! Zane's awake," he calls out.

Jay chuckles nervously, "Finally... Haha..." Kai looks at Jay with a confusing look. "Why are you so nervous Jay?" Oblivious about the memories they saw, especially since Kai didn't know about.

Cole nudges Jay's shoulder and leans and whispers to Jay, "Quit acting nervous or else he's gonna find out." Jay mumbles a 'sorry'.

Nya was just happily putting her plate away, missing the amazing breakfast her big brother makes. "Thanks for breakfast bro! I honestly missed your cooking," Nya hugs Kai while complimenting his cooking. "Hey it's no problem sis. I only did it so Jay and Cole wouldn't complain" They both look to Kai with an offended look, "What do you mean 'so we wouldn't complain'?!" they said in unison. Kai only laughs which Zane smiles too.

~Time skip~

The ninja are about to train. But are waiting for Kai. "Where is he?" Lloyd asks. The others just shrug in response. Then they turn to the sound of the front door opening, seeing Kai in casual clothing. A white shirt, with a red, thin jacket with his ninja logo on the top right of his chest, wearing a light blue jeans, and the necklace they saw in the smoke. He was carrying a bag, full of books borrowed from the Library of Domu.

"Where are you going?" Cole asks sounding like a mother wondering where her child is going when they don't say anything. "I'm just going out real quick," Kai says in response. "I'll be back in a bit." Nya is starting to go back to her worried little sister phase, "But your always going out Kai! Where are you even going? Why do you keep skipping training?" Kai was about to respond but was interrupted by Zane, "Nya has a point Kai. You keep skipping training and you might not be able to learn new lessons that could be useful for battle. What seems more important than spending time with your friends?" And with me..., Zane thought to himself feeling a little upset. Kai sighs and turns away. "Look I'll be back before dinner, okay? And besides, nothing's really happening at the city or anywhere else in Ninjago. I'll see you guys later!" He smiles and leaves out the gate, closing it from the other side.

As Kai closes it, the others see Zane trying to follow. They do the same, Zane opens the gate a little, but just enough to see. And what he sees surprises him. As he sees Kai going into the Sakura tree as it glows the same rosey pink as he saw in his dream. The others share the same expression while Kai puts his other leg through the tree.

They back up from the gate and look at each other in shock and they soon spoke, "WE NEED TO TELL WU!!!"

1,382 words!!! HA!
Finally updating on this story!
And kind changed it up a bit 😏✨

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