🇨 🇭   : 𝓽᭙ꪮ

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Y/N was sitting in her living room again, biting her nails, focused on the tv fully, as her favourite thriller movie was playing, when suddenly someone hit her head with a pillow, her face turned to the other side, and then when she looked back, there he was, her big brother, kim taehyung.

He grinned, sitting beside her on the couch, snatching the remote from her hand, indicating her to shut up, placing his index finger on his mouth
the handsome big brother, ever to be existed, his wild mesmerizing orbs, thin cute nose, milky clean skin, pink attractive lips, forehead covered with bangs, when he smiled, his boxy smile can melt a stone, his features are goddess.

Black short, and white celine shirt, while his hair are puffy and messy, the most attractive human being to be existed in real life, just like an anime main character, came out straight from the tv, in human's body and face.

Y/n whinned, trying to snatch the remote from his hands, and he stood up, as she was tinier then him, she couldn't reach him, he kept his palm on her forehead, preventing her from moving.

He chuckled, "Now go and complain to mom, lil girl"she punched him, on his stomach, and the remote automatically fell from his hand.

She grabbed the remote, running away, as fast as she can, and he ran after her with his full force, they were running around in the whole house.

There was a table, right Infront but y/n was looking behind sticking out her tongue at him, he groaned fastening his pace, but he burst out laughing once she collided with the table and fell on the ground with a thud.

He laughed loudly holding his stomach, she pouted hugging the remote tightly, like her life depends on it, he bent down on her level, and he pinched her nose, "lil sis got no skills?"He flashed his boxy smile.

He glanced down at her leg, which has red mark because of colliding, and he sat beside her, wetting the handkerchief and wiping her leg with the help of it, she pointed him raising her fingers talking to him in her pointing language.

He hummed, "yeah I won't snatch it from you"he said, getting up, extending his hand for her, she immediately grabbed it, and he made her stand.

Her whole family understands her pointing language, as they have learnt it for her, and taehyung was the more excited among them, because he wanted to talk to his little sister, he was desperate to learn, he was the first one to learn it.

They walked back to the living room, sitting on the couch, she switched to her favourite movie, and taehyung focused on it too.

They were so into the movie, that they forgot everything, discussing about the killer, at every second, just like two aunties back biting someone.

"What do you think can this thin girl will be the killer?"asked taehyung, y/n pointed him something, and he nodded his head, like some professional FBI getting information.

"So you have doubt on the bald man, I also doubted him first, how can he be bald without any reason?"said taehyung, y/n giggled, and they focused back on the tv.

Few more hours, and the movie ended, they sighed in unison, glancing at each other, disappointed, "how can the killer kill people without any reason?"he said, ruffling his hair.

Y/n thought for a while, and tapped his shoulders, he looked at her, she joined her index finger on the other one beside it, and placed her other hand's the exact same two fingers on her neck, swearing.

Which means I saw in dump language, She again placed her palm on her other palm, tapping them, which means, in here where we are.

Taehyung is always out with his friends, that he didn't knew about the murders happening in this town, non anyone has informed him about it, but y/n knows, these all happenings in her town, this is the reason she loves thriller movies.

It's just the trend on this town, around her age girls, they always bet with each other to watch thriller movies, and they'll not get scared, usually she doesn't have friends, not a one friend, as she is a mute, they run away from her.

But she want to join them, to be just like other girls around her age, but they didn't allow her, as they insult her for being not being able to talk.

As long as she have her big brother beside her, she doesn't care about them, whenever someone makes fun of her being muted, the very next day she will find their jaw have been broke, and she knows who is the one to break it.

Taehyung doesn't like it when someone makes fun of her, or tease her, or touch her, he is possessive over her, he always wanted a lil sis, and when he got y/n he was more then happy.

"Wait! Is that jack killer is from our town y/n?"taehyung asked, she immediately nodded her head, he gasped, "then why we're still in here!"his voice cracked, at the new information.

Y/n pointed him with the help of her palm, "so mom is trying to shift from here?"she nodded, "but I don't believe In these kind of things, these things happens in movies, a man?, only a man doing this and no one is able to catch him?, that seems like a joke to be honest"he said, shrugging his shoulders.

Y/n grabbed his shoulders, making him face her, she again placed her index finger and another grabbing her neck, swearing again, that I saw it.

He gasped, "you saw the killer jack?"he asked, eyes widen, she shooked her head, running her palm on her neck, which means dead, "so you saw dead bodies?"he asked, grabbing her shoulders, shooking her.

She shooked her side to side, "then what did you saw?"he asked, confused, she pointed at the tv, and he sighed, leaving her shoulders, "so you saw it on the tv?"she nodded Immediately.

"You scared me!!, when that killer sees any women on the streets, he will kill her at any cost i've heard, but it turn out to be my own town i didn't imagined it!!"said taehyung, frustrated, y/n nodded her head with a pout.

"You scared me!!, when that killer sees any women on the streets, he will kill her at any cost i've heard, but it turn out to be my own town i didn't imagined it!!"said taehyung, frustrated, y/n nodded her head with a pout

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