Chapter 61 Central Cathedral

Start from the beginning

Eugeo couldn't help mumbling that name one last time. The Integrity Knight with the golden sword could be nobody else but thegrown Alice Zuberg,daughter of Gasfut and sister of Selka, once taken away from Rulid as a child—Eugeo's childhood friend.

Naturally, she was not dressed the same. On her torso, shoulders, and waist was thin, light armor of finely detailed metal, and below that, the skirt extended practically to her ankles. But there was no mistaking that face.

Long, pristine blond hair. Clear, pale skin. But most of all, the incomparable deep blue of her slightly tapered eyes, a color that he'd never seen in anyone else's, even in Centoria.

But the look in those eyes was not what he remembered. The vibrant curiosity of her childhood Rulid days was gone, replaced by nothing but cold authority that fixed on Eugeo as he sat on the floor. Her pink lips moved, producing that beautiful, cruel voice again.

Alice: Ahh...I intended to strike you for thirty percent of your life, but I achieved only half that. If you have the agility to disperse that damage, then I can see why you were able to achieve elite disciple status...and the boldness to attempt murder.

The way she spoke, it was as if she'd read Eugeo's Stacia Window without touching him, but he couldn't even begin to guess what that meant. He just couldn't accept the words he was hearing. Kind, caring Alice would never say these things. Further, it made no sense that she had no reaction to his name, had struck him on the face without a second thought, and then—most of all—that she was standing there as an Integrity Knight, of all things.

He was going to call out again, to ignore her warning—when Zora whispered into his ear.

Zora: That knight must be the Alice you've been searching for.

Even in these bizarre circumstances, his partner's voice was calm and collected, and it brought a measure of rationality to Eugeo's bewildered mind. He managed to bob his head, to which Zora whispered again.

Zora: Let's follow her orders for now. As long as we get into Central Cathedral, even as criminals, we should be able to argue our case.

Eugeo(mind): Get into the cathedral.

It took Zora's suggestion to get this point into Eugeo's head. His dream of going through the two tournaments in triumph and being named Integrity Knight was dead, but violating the Taboo Index had actually brought him here to his goal more than a year ahead of schedule.

Get into Central Cathedral and meet Alice. The order was backward now, but that was everything Eugeo wanted. He didn't know why she was acting like a totally different person now, but at the very least, he'd achieved half his goal. And once he got into the cathedral, he was sure to find a way to turn Alice back to her old self.

Eugeo's mind was back under rational self-control, and Alice was putting away her sword. She started walking for the main doors, cape trailing in the breeze.

Alice: Come with me.

Disobedience was not an option. Zora helped Eugeo up to his feet, and they followed her in silence. Once out of the hall, Alice headed straight for the waiting dragon and patted its fearsome snout. Then she retrieved some strange tools from the large cargo bag behind the saddle. They looked like three heavy leather straps connected by chains—shackles. Just like the tool used to bind Alice eight years ago.

She brought over the shackles, one in each hand, then commanded Zora and Eugeo to stand up straight. The order was far quieter than when Raios screamed that he would execute Eugeo, but it had a deep, irresistible quality to it, as though she were speaking God's own words.

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