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Saturday Morning Update❤️☕️.


Like every other weekend, Aamir woke up pretty late and took a twenty minutes shower and got dressed in a white stainless Kaftan and wore a matching cap. Today being Saturday, he didn't have any work to do so he decided to go and visit his elder sister, Inna at her house today because she has been complaining that he has abandoned her.

He looked into the mirror and their he stood, with a clean shave looking as handsome as ever. He wore his wristwatch and cufflinks and didn't bother to wear much perfume because both him and his clothes always smell nice and most importantly, expensive.

After wearing his shoes, he left his room and was adjusting his cufflinks when he bumped into Yasmin whom was obviously lost into her phone screen.

"God, Yasmin!" He yelled and her body shook because of how stern he sounded.

"I'm so sorry Yaya. Please forgive me". She apologized sincerely. Her elder brother is never the one to be arrogant or strict, not at all that wasn't him. At least not with his family but when he is indeed in a bad mood, everyone avoids him. And even the walls in the house will notice how tense the atmosphere in the house will be because no one makes the loudest noise.

"Sorry I yelled at you Yas" He apologized with a smile and she nodded and they both went their separate ways. He headed downstairs while she went to her room.

Arriving at the living room, he met his younger brother and his mother chattering away and he snuck behind his mother and covered her eyes. "Mama" He whispered and she smiled. Amongst all of her children, he was the only one who doesn't like calling her Nana. He either calls her Mummy, Mama or sometimes Ammi but never Nana and she wonders why till date.

A smile enveloped Hajiya Aishatu's face as she caught sight of him. "Good morning dear, how was your night?" She asked.

"Alhamdulillah. I slept well" He avoided her gaze while saying the sentence because he lied. He hardly slept yesterday night because of overthinking about a lot of things.

"Your breakfast is over there Habibi" She pointed towards the dining table and he nodded.

"Nana you see! I told you that I will find her Ig handle before the time elapses! I got it! Wow! What a pretty name she has" Sabir smiled obsessively as he scrolled through Mardiya's page.

Her profile picture was a picture of a baby boy and she had just five thousand followers and was following just two hundred people. None of her posts had her pictures but it had some of her friend's pictures which included his sister and a few pictures of the sky which looked professionally snapped and a few motivational quotes here and there
Even her Bio was just a full stop, It made Sabir chuckle a bit.

He giddily tapped the blue follow icon and hoped that she would follow hum back.

"Woah! I shouldn't have doubted your capabilities at all Sabir" She said, her voice full of sarcasm as she laughed amusingly at how her youngest son was obsessed with his sister's friend.

"Mama, are you allowing Sabir to be stalking girls on social media!?" Aamir asked unbelievably which made Sabir to huff.

He heard their conversation after he finished serving himself and brought the plate to the living room so he could sit close to his Mama.

"No, it's not just any girl. I don't think you know her but it is Fathiya's friend" Sabir said and Aamir glared at him questionably.

"Which of her friends? I know Manal so move on". His mind wandered to one person but kept mum.

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