Chapter 19 - The Final Confrontation

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Ayanokoji Monologue :

I spent a long shower standing under water that I had set to the coldest setting possible and simply thought about my life and the current situation I was in. I would be the one to decide upon my own fate and I would settle it tonight. At least I would try.

Over the past 2 years of my life, I've slowly started to understand human emotion and what it means to live life. Things I've never experienced before such as receiving unconditional love at a certain point from her, or interacting with varieties of different personalities, or even talking to adults like Chabashira.

I've faced people who, although they will never surpass me, still interest me highly as normal beings. I prefer living like this than being treated like some sort of lab experiment or "product" of something. It's indeed true, I find this kind of life as a student interesting after all, and I don't wish to return to my origin.

If and when I return to the school, there'll be no more restrictions, I'll stop viewing my peers as tools and I will start to look at them as classmates and my equals for however many months I have remaining with them before who knows what happens to me.

I don't care anymore about proving my father wrong, I don't care about being defeated. All I want is to live a normal life permanently. Maybe I allowed myself to end up in this situation just so I can reflect on who I am and what I stand for and I've decided.

I won't allow my path to be deviated by that man. It's not a matter of proving him wrong anymore but a matter of getting him out of my way. All so I can live peacefully after graduation.

Monologue End.

I exit the shower and see the sight of Akiha Sakayanagi, the elder sister of Arisu- sitting on a chair, reading away at her book. She seemed to have waited for me this whole time but hadn't noticed me yet. Looking at her reading the book kind of reminded me of Hiyori for a second I thought to myself.

She finally saw me walking towards her and stood up.

"There you are, I almost finished my book from start to end considering how long you took..." She expressed to me with slight disappointment in her face.

"You didn't have to wait the whole time you know." I rebutted.

"No, it's of no concern. I was deeply indulged in my book, so it's time well spent I'd say. But, I'm getting an uncomfortable feeling, there's something different about you compared to before you went into the shower.." She replied

"Dunno, maybe you're just imagining things." I told her.


We slowly walked while speaking through their mansion, with the meeting room as our final destination where the Chairman was waiting to speak with me.

"By the way Ayanokoji-kun, would you like a quick peep in my sisters room before we go on, it's right there." She said as she pointed to the closed door which led to Arisu's room.

"Sure," I tell her.

Arisu's room huh, I have no business there nor do I care much but I guess it wouldn't hurt to see it.

Akiha opens the door and I limit myself to just taking a glance and it's what you'd expect from a middle schoolers room. It has a pink/purple theme with a big bed and a bunch of stuffed toys. With everything nicely and cleanly arranged, everything just looked clean and in order, similar to Arisu's personality. The room represented her quite well I thought.

I've seen all there is to see so I slowly backed my head out of the room and continued walking. Akiha closed the door slowly and caught up to my side.

"Well, what'd you think of your friend's room?" Akiha asks me.

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