Part XI: Well Deserved Rest

Start from the beginning

Moon chuckles. "Good luck getting down"

You roll your eyes, and you walk up the short stairs. Ok, you see what he meant now. You forgot the decoration was incredibly high on the wall, with no other way to get down. You gape at the drop to the ball pit, which wouldn't be deep enough to dive into. Or would it?

You weren't that impulsive.

Moon chuckled behind you, and you throw him a dirty look. He's sitting on the banister of the stairs now. "Good luck getting down, starshine"

You blink again. "What? What did you just call me?"

Moon blinks back at you in confusion, but it isn't long before realisation seems to hit him. The faint pink glow returns to his cheeks. "Sorry, it's a habit thanks to Sun. I can stop"

You shrug. "It's ok, you don't have to stop" You turn away from him as you say that.

He smiles. "Do you need a hand getting down?"

The sentence makes you remember something. On your first day, Sun dived head-first into the ball pit without so much as a scratch. You already knew the back of the ball bit was deep, but was it that deep? Obviously, you were that impulsive. You flash Moon a smug look. "No, I'll be fine"

His brows furrow and he cocks his head at you. You catch his expression shift into shock as you take a step off the platform.

This was a fucking stupid idea.

You curl up into a ball, begging you were right, and brace for the impact of the plastic balls. Yup, stupid idea. But then, you feel yourself get thrown forward. You land on the playmate with a loud and hard thump, and you roll a few times before coming to a stop. Moon tightens his grip around you. "Are you insane??" He shouts, clinging you as close as he possible can to him.

Your back is pinned to his chest, and his legs have come up in front of yours to pin them down too. His arms are wrapped so securely around you you can't move. "Yeah, maybe a little bit" you gasp.

"That was incredibly stupid!"

"I thought since Sun-"

"You obviously didn't think anything! I almost short-circuited, starshine!"

He unwraps himself from you, leaping up to a stand and holding a hand out to you. You take it and Moon effortlessly pulls you upright. "Are you alright? You didn't hurt anything?" He sighed, stepping around you and checking your back and arms.

You start laughing. "Yes I'm fine! Thank you. You're so different from the first night we talked"

"Yeah, well, the first night we talked I thought you were an intruder"

You shrug. "Still"

Moon drops the arm he was examining and sighs. "I suppose you have to go, then? Get home to your angry animal?"

You sigh back and nod. But then, you remember something. "Actually, I have a better idea".


The walk to the office you were in the other night doesn't take that long, at least now that you knew where to go. Moon followed behind you where he could, and would use the vents when it was too bright. The office was still incredibly dark and still smelt like dust and mould. You hopped into one of the chairs and it creaked with the sudden weight, but it held.

Moon creeped behind you and leaned over your shoulder like cat, his long fingers grabbing the top of the chair. "What are you doing?"

"Working on that promise made. Do you know how I might be able to get into your system?"

Moon blinks, looking at you shock as if he didn't expect you'd remember. Much like last time, he taps the screen and guides you through various old systems and programs and things. Once you finally find him and Sun's controls, you crack your fingers. "Wow, it's been a while since I've seen this program"

"You've used it before?"

"Yeah, I used to help run maintenance on the main performers. I think I know how to work this thing still"

You click around the screen, opening text boxes and putting in code and deleting some. It was hard to remember sometimes, but having Moon watching so intently over your shoulder made you feel pretty confident. A text box pops up, and you read the small letters.

"𝙰𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚣𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚁𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚍"

You groan and whack the desk. What were you supposed to do now?


You jump at the sudden noise. Looking back at the screen, the text box is gone and the control you were just trying to get to is unlocked and open on the screen. You blink and look up at Moon. "What did-"


You huff a laugh and turn back to the old computer. There, on the screen, were all the set limits and controls that had been put in place. You didn't even need to think about how far back the command might have been, because it was the first one there.

The command that locked Moon to the ceiling at nap time.

Taking a deep breath, you open the command and press the override button. It sends you back to the commands screen, with one missing. You did it.

You lean back with a sigh. "We did it, Moony"

Moon blinks at you, his face flushing. "What did you just call me?"

You shrug. "It's a habit I picked up from Sunny" you smirk.

Moon chuckles. "So now what?"

"Now we figure out what exactly is going on. I'll stay in the daycare at nap time and keep an eye on you, and if you act up I'm pretty sure I can get into your controls up on the security desk back in the daycare"

Moon nods and keeps staring at the screen. His hands slip from your chair do you take the opportunity to spin around and face him. He looks... distant. "Why are you doing all of this for me...?"

You shrug. "You're my friend"

Moon blinks, but he doesn't seem to acknowledge the words. Either that, or he doesn't believe you. "You better get going, feed your angry cat and get ready for today"

You sigh and nod. You didn't want to leave yet, it felt weird to think but... you kinda enjoyed being around Moon. He was fun to be around when he wasn't trying to chase or kill you. You push yourself up from the chair, almost knocking into Moon but he thankfully backed away, and stretch. "I'll see you tomorrow, then" you smile.

Moon smiles back.


You don't bother to put your pyjamas on when you get home. You dump your stuff right next to the doorway and are fretting by Biscuit angrily howling at you from the kitchen counter. You sigh and dump two random tins of cat food in his bowl. "That's my apology" You say as you tip the second tin into his bowl. He seems happy with that. You take a quick shower and get back into your uniform.

Now, it was a waiting game until work started.

Between Dusk and Dawn (FNAFSB Daycare Attendant x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now