Coming back to the present he saw the cold melt and the same warmth and life he always saw coming back in her eyes.

"Seokie" ah! the nickname, even now it makes his heart skip a beat.

"Baby" the name was already out even before he could register. He ignored the surprise and shock that passed through everyone, which he ignored. He doesn't correct seeing the happiness flow through her face because of it.

"Why are you here? What happened?" She asked in a soft voice not to break the atmosphere they were in.

"My family and I were kidnapped by 'shadow riders' and these people saved us and gave us shelter." He replied in the same tone.

"You are Y/N's…?" Irene asked in confusion. She was called here for Y/N, unless…

"Brother, her mom is married to our father." He replied.

At the mention of Y/N, both their attention changed, and they started to worry.

"Doctor is on the way, we had already cleared the cost. Our people will have a talk with their leader, don't worry." Irene said and turned to Mark for details, who was watching their interaction with amusement.

"One more second of that I would have gagged," Jimin commented coming near Seokjin, who played dumb to the comment. Irene and Mark moved a little further away for a private conversation.

"What was that hyung?" Taehyung teased.

" 'Baby' Really  I didn't know hyung was that type of man." Jungkook laughed at his ears turning red.

"You have an explanation to do hyung."  Yoongi said more in a teasing manner than anything. Seokjin knows hidden meanings besides the teasing tone.

"Fuck" they turned hearing Namjoon's voice but amused by the scene.

"I think Hyung is not the only one for an explanation," Hoseok Snickered. Namjoon gave them his vile smile which he has when he is nervous or guilty.

Yes, they have a big explanation to make as it seems.


Hey guys,

I know I said I would post this chapter in 2-3 days after the last update. I'm sorry for that 😔.  Accident happens and I fractured my wrist🤧. It's very difficult to type with one hand😩. But I finally did it.🥳

I saw every comments, messages and likes and I'm very grateful for it🥰🤗.

Thanks for all your love and support💜💜.


Happy Birthday to our Jungkook!!🥳🥳🥳🥳🎉🎉

Happy Birthday to our Jungkook!!🥳🥳🥳🥳🎉🎉

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Thank you for reading my work

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Sorry for my poor grammer, my native is not English.

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My StepbrothersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora