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Y/N was in the phase where she is questioning her existence. Y/N sighed for the nth time of the day, cleaning the mess called the living room. It has only been a week since they moved to this house. Y/N had already experienced an existing crisis by living with seven men.

Living with organized people like her Appa, Jiji, and mom all her life made herself an organized person, and it took a toll on her to live with these unorganized men. Hoseok, Yoongi, and Jin were the only bearable ones. Others.....she doesn't even want to think about it. She can't go anywhere near the maknaes room without disgust or the urge of puking.

In 17 years of her life, she never once regretted her decision like when she allowed Taehyung to her room on one of his dark days. From that onwards, her room became a camping center for the maknaes whose rooms were nothing more than a pigsty and she became a refugee in the living room.

Jin and Yoongi, who know cooking, became in charge of it. Y/N and Hoseok, the tidiest person, became in charge of cleaning. (only common areas)

Y/N were very happy and grateful, the first day, when she woke up in Yoongi's and Jin's embrace surrounded by the others, in the morning. She felt safe and content.

She felt embarrassed and insecure, realizing they knew about her nightmare, they saw her vulnerable. All her doubts flew away when they behaved as usual with her, more sweetly.

Namjoon and Yoongi took her to her doctor as her mom instructed that day itself. The seven would always check on her and remind her to take medicine. She felt cared, Hoseok even warned her that he never wanted to see her in that condition ever again because he was worried that he felt like throwing up, which touched her seeing the sincerity and worry in those words.

All those impressions and gratitude she felt toward them just burst out like a bubble by their clumsiness and carefree attitude and disarray. She wants to beat the shit out of the maknae line, who is worse than a 3-year-old baby.

Y/N let out a happy content sound proud of herself after cleaning. She plopped on the sofa to watch the latest drama she came to like. She was alone today, which gave her some peace. It was always loud and busy here.

She questioned herself several times: were these the same people who were with her in the mansion? She highly doubts it. It was like their personality took a 180° flip after changing the house. Are they possessed? There is a high chance for it, she swears she has heard voices at night which she concludes as the animals live in the junkyard which is Jungkook's room. Now thinking, it can be a ghost that has possessed them. She doesn't have another explanation for their drastic change. The next possibility is also relevant but she doesn't want to call them crazy by looking further into it.

She was snapped out of her thoughts when a tired Yoongi entered alone and laid on the couch. It was pretty early to be back though. It's Yoongi and he always looks tired so she shrugged and continued watching her drama. When she stood up to fetch some water she noticed a trail of blood on the floor which led to Yoongi which begins from the front door, where he came from. Y/N quickly approached him, taking a look she saw he was clutching on his shoulder and blood oozing from there.

"Yoonie! You are bleeding!" She shouted in shock. He only grunted in response. She made him sit with difficulties.

"I'm taking you to hospital." Y/N declared seeing his stage. Yoongi shook his head as 'no'.

"No no no, there is a bullet in there. I can't show up in a hospital like this. It will earn a lot of media attention." He said in a strained voice.

" I had informed Jin-hyung and Namjoon, they will be here soon, we will deal with it, don't worry." He tried to assure her but his slurring voice or dropping eyes didn't.

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