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WARNING: I personally don't ship any Idols mentioned or encourage them. I'm not implying anyone's sexuality. It purely for fiction and please remember that.



Y/N was awfully quiet from when she woke up the next morning coming back to her senses. It made Namjoon angst and agitated. He wasn't sure how much she remembered, he killed her boyfriend(?) in front of her after all.

Y/N doesn’t remember anything. She was quiet because she doesn't remember what happened after Namjoon arrived. She isn’t sure what happened yesterday except Namjoon killed Do-Yun. Namjoon behaving weirdly didn't help with her nerves.

Getting drugged and letting Namjoon or BTS get involved in her mess wasn't her plan when she sneaked out with Do-yun. She underestimated Do-yun, more likely overestimated him. He was careless, impatient, and too confident in Y/N's opinion. She expected him to be someone more cunning and devious considering Do-yun was someone important to her enemy. Who is known to be dangerous from her own past experiences.

She had to inform BTS what they had involved themselves in, not like she knew a lot herself at least she had a clue. The unknown scares her to no end. She often feels alone and burdened with all these secrets and duties with no break. The only time she feels less lonely is with her step-brothers. Now that their life is also at risk (not that it wasn’t, but in the current dilemma because of her), she feels guilty. She has to come up with a plan on how to warn them without giving herself out.

The next day the news that Do-Yun and his friends died was publicly confirmed. They were attacked by Do-Yun’s pet dog which had shown aggressive behavior before and was under strict training. She knows his family or the gang he is involved with would not buy the story. And their doubt will soon lead them to at least her and therefore it can lead to her brothers if they had known about Do-yun's plan, which is highly possible. Busy on the act of acting sad in front of Do-Yun’s family and her parents she forgot to check on BTS. Who got distanced in the process, the tension formed between them since the incident didn't help either.

Namjoon is an understanding and patient person, he swears he is. But watching the tension and distance between them forming again is making him agitated. Y/N is tense and withdraws after the incident. Thus there is a looming rigidity between the brothers.

Because of the conscious guilt toward Y/N, he was always aware of her presence, maybe that's why he noticed it first. His brothers confirmed his doubt when he posited his findings, which were soon filled by others' observations to confirm his doubts. It calls for a talk with Y/N as soon as possible.

It took them two days to get the house to themselves and make all seven of them free at the same time with Y/N.

Y/N was caught off-guard by them, she wasn't expecting an interrogation this soon by them. She got wise to her past few days' behavior and activities.

"How are you doing? We forgot to check on you in the Chaos." Hoseok asked her, he asked so sympathetically it almost felt fake.

"I- I'm doing good. It was a shock for me. come to terms with the devastation." She replied shuttering under the watchful seven pairs of eyes. Something doesn't feel right, they were observing her very intently.

"You didn't seem as shaken up as we expected considering your boyfriend was killed in front of you." There Jungkook dropped the bomb. Y/N stiffen, while the rest gave their younger brother a disapproving look.

It should be clear to Y/N that at least Namjoon has something to do with Do-yun's death considering she acknowledged his presence at the scene. Taking into account she doesn't question how she reached back home, she remembered some of those. Moreover, she was acting suspiciously, she was sad and heartbroken in front of the public but isn't affected much in private. They know how a mourning person would be, they had witnessed, (felt) themselves.

Y/N knows she isn't a good actor, and it's a matter of time before someone will notice and point it out. She didn't expect it to be her step-brothers. She could only sigh in defeat earning a raised eyebrow from Seokjin.

"I know Joonie killed Do-yun." Even though they expected it, hearing from her made Namjoon startle. Her lack of reaction didn't surprise any of them.

"Do-yun's and mine relationship isn't as easy as it seems to be." She continued. "Dad is aware of it." She added in a whisper which all of them heard, awoke an uproar among them.

"Don't be upset, I asked him not to tell anyone. It was something me and Dad had to solve." She assuages them.

"Is marriage a part of it?" Yoongi asked.

"Partly, Yes." She answered, arising thousands of questions among them.

"Care to elaborate or should we ask Dad, now that our brother is involved in whatever plan you were plotting," Jimin asked in a bitter tone making Y/N more guilty.

" I'm sorry, It wasn't my intention to be like this. But some things are better to be left unknown.  Now that you are involved there isn't a choice. Even though my knowledge is also limited." Y/N replied. Even though she was addressing the current situation her words hold a deeper meaning than they thought.

"At first, Do-yun was my friend and I liked him too. But later he became pushy, demanding a romantic relationship which I wasn't interested in. That's when he made a move with his father for the marriage proposal. The first thought was that guy was determined to have me but no. I became a challenge to him when I refused him." Y/N explained the unseen version of their relationship.

"Then why did you agree to the marriage?" Taehyung asked.

"That's where dad's involved. Do you remember where I and Dad had a private conversation? I told him everything, and he was somewhat relieved that I don't have a relationship with Do-yun yet he told me to play along, and I don't have to marry him. I told him not to tell anyone about it." Y/N revealed. There was a pregnant pause before Namjoon announced he wanted to talk with his father but Y/N stopped him.

" I don't think he will say anything. They have something against him." She said,

"What do you mean?" Seokjin asked, seeing Y/N's hesitation.

"I'm not a hundred percent sure, these are my speculations. Dad was actually against the marriage. He was somewhat happy when I told him I don't like Do-yun. It wasn't a proposal for a deal like Mom says, he was a little suspicious from this arrangement. Dad was tense and stressed which he isn't after the death, if my guess is right they are blackmailing him with something. Mine and Do-yun's relation was some sort of bait." Y/N disclosed the information she collected from the proposal day until now. 

"Don't you think he would have told at least one of you if he intended to say? He wanted to solve it himself, I think." Y/N said.

"Let's keep this information between the eight of us. Dad isn't aware of our involvement yet and we should keep it that way." Namjoon said. "And Y/N, stop keeping all this to yourself. You have enough baggage of your own, we will carry ours, okay?" He said and proceeded to hug her for both of their comforts.

Later they all had dinner together and came back to their usual self. But one of them was still keeping his questions to himself and was watching her in a new light, which they failed before and his brothers are still oblivious of.


English isn't my first language so please excuse my poor grammar and vocabulary.

I saw all your comments and I don't know how to reply to those without spoiling. So wait for what happens next.


My StepbrothersDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora