Chapter 10: Ultraseven and Teen Titans vs Slade/Zogu Attacks

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(Adam Fudo is seen playing golf with the Teen Titans.)

Beast Boy: So, Adam? Your friend Jack badmouthed us DC heroes. Do you hate us as well.

Adam: What? No. Jack likes to lie to everybody. I don't hate you guys. People just make decisions on what they like or what they don't.

Starfire: You got a point, friend Adam.

Robin: Yeah, not everybody has to like something. I just have one more question.

Adam: What is it?

Robin: How can people not freak out with these... giant stuff yo do?

Adam: Giants are seen everytime since the Decepticons' attack in 2014.

Cyborg: I guess Decepticons is how some villainous cybertronians are classified.

Adam: Yep.

Raven: Why did the Decepticons come here?

Adam: The Decepticons were planning to place Pillars around the world to begin transporting their homeworld Cybertron to the Solar System, and then use Earth's resources to rebuild their world, including humans, who would be used as slave labor. Sentinel Prime made a deal with their leader Megatron to ensure Cybertron's survival. But Optimus Prime executed both Megatron and Sentinel Prime for trying to destroy humanity.

Robin: Yeah, this Optimus Prime is really heroic. 

????: And you are finished, Titans

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????: And you are finished, Titans.

(They turn to see Slade, and Robin glares at him.)

Robin: (glares) Slade!

Slade: (smirks) Hello, Robin! I see you and your friends have an ally with you.

Adam: (glares) You must be Slade, or should I say... Deathstroke?

Slade: Indeed, and I have an ally as well.

(Suddenly Zogu comes out of nowhere)

Adam: Zogu?

Slade: Indeed, and she will destroy you! Attack!

(Zogu nods and attacks Adam, who becomes Ultraseven)

(Ultraseven and Zogu charge at each other as Ultraseven hits her neck with a chop before kneeing her and punching her

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(Ultraseven and Zogu charge at each other as Ultraseven hits her neck with a chop before kneeing her and punching her. Zogu charges at Ultraseven again and hits him. Ultraseven gets up, only to receive a blow in the back from Zogu.)

Ultraseven: Not good

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Ultraseven: Not good.

(Zog starts beating Ultraseven. Then Robin turns to Cyborg and gestures him to shoot Zog.)

Beast Boy: Not even a time for a test run?

Robin: Are you scared, Beast Boy?

Beast Boy: Huh? Of course not!

(Cyborg charges his cannon and prepares to shoot.)

Robin: FIRE!

(Cyborg shoots Zog, who screams in pain and falls down.)

Cyborg: (excited) Boo-yah!

(Robin gets on his bike while Cyborg gets on his car, and Starfire, Raven and Beast Boy, who becomes a pterodactyl, fly as Zog angrily follows them.)

Robin: (smirks) That's right! Follow us! Raven, heal Ultraseven.

(Raven helps Ultraseven to heal his wounds.)

Ultraseven: Thanks, Raven! (sees Zogu) Here it comes!

(Zogu charges at Ultraseven, who shoots his blade to slice her arms off.)

Ultraseven: Raven, NOW!

Raven: Azarath Metrion ZINTHOS!

(Raven uses her powers to destroy Zog, and then Ultraseven turns to Slade.)

Slade: (eyes widen) But how? How can a kaiju be easily defeated?

Ultraseven: Easy, some kaijus can be defeated quickly!

Slade: (growls) You will be...

(Suddenly Beast Boy (as a Dinosaur) shoves Slade with a tail swag, and he crashes to the building.)

Ultraseven: Nice one, Beast Boy. That was the easiest battle.

Robin: (smirks) Let's tie Slade up and and bring him with us.

(They tie Slade up, put him at the back of Cyborg's vehicle and they drive off.)

(Meanwhile, Zetton is seen in his lair, totally pissed.)


(To be continued)

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