Memories of the Twins (I)

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Wear elbow-length white gloves.

Instead of a skirt, she wears dangerously short white shorts, long fishnet stockings, and white ankle boots with gold toes.

To carry around her personal effects, she uses a white shoulder strap, decorated with anime stickers of all shapes and sizes.

"Adeline, thank you very much for your help, you are a lifesaver." Marcy said, greeting her beautiful friend who manages to make her heart beat crazy.

"Pas de problème, je vis pour protéger ma belle ami (No problem, I live to protect my beautiful friend)." Adeline said, with a smile on her face, loving to help people, especially her best friend of hers.

'Why does the French accent have to be so attractive!' Marcy thinks, blushing slightly at Adeline's nice words, feeling a slight weakness in her knees.

"Marcy, are you okay, did you go all red all of a sudden?" Adeline asks, slightly worried about Marcy's health.

The pretty French girl put her hand on Marcy's forehead, which only made the little nerd's blush worse.

"Don't worry I'm healthy as a fish, I ... just had heat stroke, that's all." Marcy said, inventing a little credible excuse on the spot.

Marcy for being the smartest girl in her school isn't very good at lying, especially when it comes to her friends.

"How can you get heatstroke in November?" Adeline asks, raising an eyebrow, seeing something odd in Marcy's words.

"Adeline, have you finished reading the latest volume of The Good Witch Azula? I'm only halfway through the story." Marcy asks, all of a sudden, wanting to change the subject.

Marcy may not be a mistral liar, but she knows her friends quite well and how they will react to certain situations or requests.

If you ask Sasha to talk about her successes, she will talk about herself for hours.

If you ask Anne what her cat, Domino, has been up to lately, or something related to superheroes, Anne will act like an adorable nerd / fangirl.

If anyone ask Adeline to talk about her books, especially the latest volume of The Good Witch Azula or The Arcane House.

Adeline will leave everything alone to begin explaining in detail all the news on the plot.

This could be considered subtle manipulation. But the purposes excuse the means, especially if it serves to avoid making a fool of oneself in front of friends.

"I was up all night to finish the book. I don't want to spoil you, can you tell me where you got?" Adeline asks, not wanting to spoil Marcy's surprise at the end of the volume.

"I got to the point where Azula, Hecate and Rojo found the ancient tomb of the Scarlet King and his Seven Priestesses.

Tell me, will they be able to find a weapon to defeat the Star Demon who threatens the Realm? "Marcy asks, entering nerd mode, wanting to know if the trio of heroes will succeed in their feat.

"I don't want to spoil the surprise, but my beloved Rojo will prove to be a vrai chevalier d'or (true golden knight)!" Adeline exclaims, with a big smile, having really enjoyed the ending of the volume.

"Do you like the new character so much, Rojo?" Marcy asks, curious to know how much they like the new co-star Rojo. Plus, Marcy might know if her new friend likes boys or girls.

"Rojo is fantastic, he is my favorite character from The Good Witch Azula. If it were possible I would love to meet him, it would be one of my greatest wishes." She declares Adeline, without a moment's hesitation, showing that she is a great fangirl of this character.

The Calamity House - Amphibia: Saints, Witches, DemonsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz