Memories of the Twins (I)

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Author Note: This story is a crossover between Amphibia, The Owl House and Fate Stay. There will be elements of Trinity Seven, Saint Seiya and Bleach.

Ps. This story is part of a series at the moment there are two volumes that include this work.

- The Celestial House - The Beginning: The Hero, The Witch and The Owl

- The Next House - Boiling Isles: Monsters, Magic and Mysteries

Reading the previous two volumes is recommended, but not mandatory.


Special Episode: Memories of the Twins (I)

Alternative title: Calamity Quartet


POV Narrator

'The weather in San Francisco in November is nice.' He thought of a nerdy girl walking on the street, holding the latest volume of The Good Witch Azura in her hands

This girl's name is Marcy Wu. A 14-year-old Taiwanese-American girl, 148cm tall. The three dimensions of her are: B75, W54, H78.

Marcy has olive skin, short shiny black hair and dark brown oval eyes.

Marcy is wearing a school uniform. She consists of a gray-blue hooded sweatshirt with a small "SJMS" (Saint James Middle School) emblem sewn on the chest and a larger one on the back and a short green skirt and a pair of brown school shoes. She also wears a green clip in her hair.

Marcy is a very intelligent girl, but she has the small flaw of getting caught up in her passions at the most inopportune or strangest moments.

At the moment Marcy wants to finish reading chapter three, before meeting up with her best friends and deciding what to do for this weekend.

So Marcy started reading while walking, forgetting how many times in her life such an action sent her to the school nurse.

Not even after reading a page, Marcy tripped over a crack in the sidewalk.

The nerdy girl out of habit prepares to fall and gets a few scratched knees or a broken nose at worst.

Suddenly, before Marcy could actually hurt herself, a pair of hands grab her from behind, preventing her from falling.

"Mon Ami (My friend), Mar-Mar, don't worry your knight has come to save you!" She exclaims a particularly sweet and caring female voice, with a lovely French accent.

Once Marcy recovers her sense of balance she turns to see one of her three best friends in the world, Adeline.

Adeline Jones is a beautiful, very pale skinned teen, almost white, 167cm tall, B86, W57, H92.

Her long, waist-length blonde hair is finely textured that looks like it is sprinkled with gold dust and has a long lock on each side of her head that ends in a tornado-like swirl.

His eyes are bright gold in color.

Physically a great figure for a 15 year old, a trained but voluptuous body with no trace of fat on her and large breasts while not being too muscular.

Adeline has a very voluptuous and mature body for her age; she with slender limbs, large breasts, a narrow waist but firm muscles and a perfectly curvy butt.

On top of his head he wears a white feminine beret, the French hat.

Around her neck she wears a beautiful gold chain necklace.

He wears a sleeveless white shirt left untucked, with the collar tied with a red ribbon.

The shirt is covered by a white and gold vest embroidered with a particular emblem that resembles a snowflake.

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