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I used to be normal. Just a girl, like the many millions of other girls in the world. Then my mum told me. I am not human. I am an Angel. Not the fat, little baby things with tiny wings or the ones you see in the churches made out of the colourful glass. No, I am a real Angel. A warrior, designed to protect human and angels alike from the Daemons. The world is made up of two realities, the Evertone and the Elderworld. The Evertone is the younger and newer world that the humans live in and is the 'plainer' of the two worlds. Many Angels are hidden in this reality until they become of age, like me.  And then there's the Elderworld, the world of the magical ones and the older and more sinister evils. Sometimes, beings escape from this reality into the Evertone and people see them. Ghosts, the Fae, Werewolves. They're just some of the escapees. The Angels soon put them back in place though, before they hurt anyone. Sometimes, people who have a little magical blood accidently call on the magical ones without knowing it. Most of the human population only believes what they want to believe, leading to the fact that they don't see us often and only see their reality. But occasionally, there are ones who see the world with both its realities. These are the people we call Credens and they can see any magical being no matter how hard we hide ourselves. They are also the ones most vulnerable to Daemons. Daemons have no physical form and so have to take a host to bind them to the physical world. The host may be a dog or cat or another limited creature. It may also be a human. Daemons cannot take over the body of magical beings though. When the daemons take a limited creature as a host, they have the power to manipulate the shape of it until it becomes only vaguely recognized as what it used to be. Luckily for humans, Daemons can't do that to them and has to be content with that look. The Daemon then manipulates the mind and takes complete control over the body and causes havoc. Many of the human disputes were because of this. Adolf Hitler was the host of a very powerful Daemon that believed Jewish people were stronger willed and harder to manipulate, and so tried to destroy them all. Talet Pasha was a host of another Daemon that believed the same thing except about Armenians. Osama bin Laden was yet another host of an equally horrible Daemon. Almost all of the human bloodshed was because of the Daemons that slipped past Angels. 

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