Letter Number Eight

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Dear Tristin,

I'm sorry I haven't been writing to you. A new school year started. It's my senior year. My last. I can't tell you how excited I am. After I'm graduated, I'm going to work full-time until I can get my own car.

Remember how you said we'd get a car together? That we'd save up our money and buy a nice one? I'm not sure if we're doing that anymore, but I'm still getting a car. It won't be nice, but it'll run. And it'll be blue, just like you wanted.

I can't wait until you're home. I used to blame myself for letting you go, but as the days pass I realize that it wasn't my fault. It never was. It was your decision, not mine. You had your mind set on leaving. And that's okay. I forgive you, Tristin.



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