Letter Number Three

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Dear Tristin,

You told me you would reply to my letters. You said you'd write me back, every day, damnit. You said. You promised.

Things are getting worse here.

Your mother hasn't come out of her room for days. Not even to get food. We're all worried. Why can't you just come home?

It's been three weeks. You said it would only be a few days. You promised.

Tristin, I love you. I hope you know you are important to us. You're important to me. The world wouldn't be the same if you were gone. I would never stop crying. Honestly, I can't even stop crying now.

Every day is a struggle - getting up and knowing you're gone. Your dad hasn't been home in a week. We don't know where he is. Riley doesn't understand that her father is an alcoholic. She is only six. She shouldn't have to deal with this.

Please come home.



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