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As I had slid myself on Thikki's lap three hours ago, we both dozed off henceforth. And when I woke up, I was truly startled to find my Thikki's body blazing like hell.

I guess I had troubled Thikki too much. She is literally burning up in the illness.

Currently, I'm in the kitchen, preparing vegetable soup for Thikki's dinner. She will have to swallow down a tablet after food and her fever will be alright.

While the soup is getting cooked, I went to Thikki's room to check up on her and I swear, I felt utterly displeased with myself. Aint I the reason for such a state of her right now? I made her mentally frustrated and stressed which had lead to her experiencing sickness.

And now staring at her shivering under the sheets prompts my heart to bleed in remorse.

Hurriedly, then I dash to the kitchen again and scoop up the soup in a bowl. Carrying it to Thikki's room, I aid Thikki to raise and lean her back on the bed, with her pillow stuffed behind.

"I need to sleep.." she mumbles when I lift a spoonful of soup close to her lips as I seat myself beside her. "Only after completing this" she shakes her head and tries to fall asleep but I clutch her neck, oh god, you don't know how smooth her skin is...

"Open your mouth, or else I will have to pick up some other options to feed you, one that you wouldn't feel really pleased with" I grin when Thikki's downcast eyes dilated for a moment as they met mine, filled with friskiness.

"Idiot" she grunts and then opens her mouth, softly taking in the contents of the spoon. "How did you suddenly get a fever? Don't tell me it's cause of me.." I question while feeding her and she just lazily glances at me. Though I'm pretty sure, I'm the source of her fever, I don't really want it to be me which is why I put forth this query.

"You guessed it right" I purse my lips at her answer. She ruffles my hair with a gentle smile. "Don't feel bad. I will be okay soon but only if you don't say that you love me and stop persuading me..." I glare at her face.

"I would not stop doing that" I state firmly and bowing close to her ear, I whisper, "Cause I know you are enjoying it..." she groans as I straighten my spine with a victorious smile on my countenance.

The next few minutes went quietly with me passing a spoonful of soup and Thikki swallowing it like the good woman she is. Occasionally, she would send me distinct looks but to not make it obvious, she would grimace at me when I notice it.

And just like that, her soup session came to an end. Afterward, I made her have a tablet with warm water and let her body lounge back on the bed. "Go and have dinner Vicky," she says when I turn on the television in her room as I half lay beside Thikki.

"No appetite" I shrug as I search for a good music channel. Splendid timing, almost all channels have declared advertisements. "Still you should have anything for dinner. It's not good to sleep without having food" I lent a side glance at Thikki and divert it back to the television again. Her eyes are stuck on mine.

"I can adjust for one night" I hum, changing random channels. "Vicky..." I look down at Thikki's face in disarray. Why did she call me so delicately now? "Yes, Thikki?" And we were kissing. Yet again, she is the one who has initiated it by tugging my hair.

She says she doesn't like it, she says, she doesn't want it but nothing of her actions points to that. It just indicates the exact contrary of her words. Why is that? Is my Thikki bipolar? Hmm, perhaps, who knows? Or maybe she is just confused?

Her breathing is radiating warmth due to her sickness and she is squirming as our lips kiss each other, deliberately. A minute in, the kiss becomes intense, lips desperately smooching its partner, two minutes in, our tongues clashed, and three, our bodies were mashed too close as we continued to kiss.

Finally, Thikki ran out of breath and pulls away. Her skin is even hotter now. I could sense the radiation of heat grazing mine as well.

"Satisfied Thikki?" I question, planting myself next to her and balancing my head with my palm. She didn't answer. Her head is tilted away from mine and her eyes are shut off, her breathing irregular.

"Sorry," she says, without opening her eyes. I chuckle at her embarrassment. "Oh Thikki...how is your fever now?" I inquire, slipping my hands inside her nightshirt, and coming in contact with her bare feverish skin on her waist.

"Better" Thikki murmurs while I kiss behind her ear and track kisses down to her cleavage.

"Vicky....ah..." I quit pecking her exposed chest and rest my head there.  It's just too fluffy. "Go to sleep Thikki" I saw her nod slightly before her body relaxes to nap.

Meanwhile, I maintain my stare at Thikki's sleeping face and sigh. I don't know why she is agitating herself to the extent that she is now physically ill. Why is it so hard for her to accept her feelings for me?

However, I can't push her more. Thenceforth, she is the one who should break her shell of fear or whatever she had covered herself in.

And goodness she did, the next day itself.


Hey guys!❤️

Sorry I got so busy with college and my health isn't the best right now too. The next update will also be on this week❤️

So guys, excited for next update?😚

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