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The fourth and conclusive year of my college is going to terminate in a couple of months and I couldn't be more optimistic and sadder at the same time.

I'm feeling merry as I will be out of restless college days yet...those numerous strikes, senior-junior and couple fights, the blissful tour days, those torturous seminar conducting instance, the tension to succeed in every semester exams by just preparing for it the day before, the times we had argued with the professors!

Ah, am I going to miss all these? Damn yes.

"Deepak come on...start the car, it's getting late!" My best friend he is. We have been friends since my initial year of college. He is a calm fellow, unlike my Vicky who is a complete crazy boy. I can't stop comparing these two heads, and I don't discern why. Perhaps, they both are some of the closest males to my heart.

"Seems like the tyres are punctured," my dad says, lowering the newspaper he has been reading while strutting on the veranda in a chair.

"What!? It's my new car and it wasn't in such a state when I arrived here" with apprehensiveness, Deepak hops out of the car and detects the tyres, and soon his face radiates suspicion.

"Someone must have punctured it" He mutters, his brows furrowing. I jump out of the car at his statement. Oh yeah, who would have done things like this except the fourteen years old devil Vicky!

He has grown up to my shoulder and he often measures his height with me because he craves to be taller than me. I'm an average height girl of twenty-one years old, not too tall and not too short either. And I'm pretty sure, Vicky would be towering over me in a few years.

Both Advocate uncle and aunt were taller so yeah, the genes!!

"Vicky!" I shout and he peeks out his frame from the house, his black hair puffy and entangled. His face is sleepy and he has his brush creamed with toothpaste in his hold. He has worn white boxers and a yellow t-shirt. He is so handsome at this age itself. I'm jealous, of course. He has this plenty amount of girl's behind him and I hate it to the core when he talks with them on the phone as If he is a grown-up...Kids nowadays...

"Yeah?" He lazily asks and I shoot anger shots through my eyes at him. The way he acts like an innocent. Uff! "You just woke up?" Deepak questions him and he nods his head. Deepak and Vicky have a love-hate, and tom and jerry's relationship going on between them. Both of them don't like each other, but when I'm around, they behave like a long-lost lover as in dramas.

"Really? I saw you roaming around the living room at 8 'o'clock itself" dad chirps in and gives a skeptical glance toward Vicky. "Oh.." he shrugs casually.

"Hey, it's my new car and it's the first day I'm driving it. You shouldn't have punctured it, buddy. Nevertheless, I can understand that you are kind of jealous about it. I will forgive you as you are still underage" Vicky's sharp eyes glares at Deepak due to his words.

"What is wrong with you Vicky? This is too much. I know you despise him but where are your manners? Is this the way I had raised you!?" I shout at him, disgruntled and cranky. If I have the right to shower all my love on him, I do the same when it comes to disciplining him by some acerbity. I don't necessarily condone this type of ridiculous behavior.

Vicky stands with a stone-hard expression, his jaw clenched. "Shi, he is still a kid, don't be too hard--- I cut off Deepak with a scowl. "Don't try to act too kind, I know you detest him as much as he does to you" Deepak clears his throat at my comment.

"Rather than chatting around with the girls or attempting these stupid activities, I think you should concentrate more on your studies, now go inside" I direct Vicky to the house and he offers me an irritated gaze before storming inside.

He will never change.

"Appa, we will take your car to the college, you can use another one of ours to reach the office," I say and he nods. Throwing one last glance at the entrance of my house where Vicky had disappeared, I walk towards my dad's car and pick up the driver's seat.

"I can drive" Deepak states, glimpsing at me through the downcast glass. "Noo, dad's car is only for his daughter to drive" I stick my tongue out at him and he shakes his head, placing himself comfortably on the passenger seat.

"Appa, bye!" I yell as I start the car. My eyes then search for Vicky, whose room is on the second floor. He always bids me bye, and I would smooch his cheeks, or forehead before retreating off to my college. He hates it now too, but unlike his childhood self when he uses to chase me for it, nowadays he bares it. But still, I can observe his low protest though.

"I can't imagine how much he must be grudging and over-jealous to have punctured my new car" Deepak rants and I listen absentmindedly as I drive the vehicle.

For a fact, I can definitely conclude that my Vicky isn't invidious about materialistic things. Cause he gets everything in a blink of an eye If he asks for it.

Then what might be the reason for his actions just now?


I'm not jealous but possessive. Not of the car. But because of my Thikki who is going with that idiot guy of her best friend to the college.

I feel so bad when she talks with him cheerily. I hate her being close to him. My stomach burns when he grins and gives that look to her. I'm a guy too. Being fourteen doesn't make me any less of it. I can understand very well that he is crushing on my Thikki. I loathe it utterly.

But I don't know why...

Why am I getting angry when he is with her? She will eventually find a guy and will date him If not Deepak. It advances me a strange feeling when I imagine her future with someone else.

I can't stand the image of her being happy or feeling sad or being beside any other guy other than me. It infuriates me and it hurts me actually...

Also, nowadays, I feel kind of weird when she kisses me on my forehead or cheeks. I don't entirely hate it as I did years ago...

I'm changing so much. My body and my heart, the feeling it carries for Thikki are evolving into something else...Yet I'm quite unsure of what it is.

Wait a damn minute---It can't be what I'm thinking it is, right?

Ah, whatever, let me divert my mind. I'm going to the ground for football practice today. School is truly boring and I've been attending too many classes for the past few days. It's Friday anyway, so I will just skip school for today and will get time to work out football for another two days, as I need to ready myself more effectively for our district football tournament which is approaching after two months. I would be fifteen by then too.

I should play well and grab victory in the clash, and I indeed will. I am damn confident with myself and my team.


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