ISWM Mark x Captain

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Based off some headcanons I posted yesterday! Loved it so much I wrote this. Enjoyyyy!

It's been a week since the wormhole finally dissipated and the Invincible || crew has been making excellent progress. However, one of the crewmates was stuck in limbo with his thoughts. It was all his fault...all of it.

"Mark!" Someone yelled, snapping Mark out of his thoughts. "Huh? Did you say something?" He asked tiredly. Celci frowned and rolled her eyes "Geez if you stay in la-la land like that you'll never get anything done!" She lectured. Mark sighed "Yeah yeah I know." He averted his eyes from Celci. "You're not even listening to me-" Celci crossed her arms. "Whatever. Just...don't get yourself killed when your daydreaming, k? I hate to say it, but this ship needs you." Celci said making a slight gagging noise.

"Ok. Thanks, Celci." Mark smiled, but it was strained. "Mhm." Celci said walking away. "Get some rest, ok? I don't want to die in this thing because of you." She joked. Mark's eyes widen and his face went pale, "Y-Yeah. I won't." He said frantically. Once Celci was gone, Mark's breathing hitched and he could feel his memories reappearing, more vivid.

He replayed his memories as he walked down one of the ship's hallway. It was peacefully quiet when everyone was getting ready for bed. However, Mark stopped at Captain's room and knocked on the door gently "Hey up?" He asked quietly. The door opened, Captain looked at Mark with a smile. "You look tired, Mark. Are you ok?" They asked, already guessing what Mark was feeling. "I just- can I come inside?" He asked with a slight stutter.

"I see what this is about...come in." Captain invited, and a warm smile. Mark walked in, closing the door behind him. "Mark is this about th-" Captain was cut off by Mark hugging them tightly. Mark buried his face in Captain's chest and he was shaking slightly. "Mhm..." he hummed. "It's about that." He added. "You...don't hate me do you?" He asked as a small tear rolled down his cheek. "You can be honest with me, Captain. I-I don't mind." He said frantically. Captain frowned and patted Mark's back.

"Mark I would never hate you. Who told you that I did?" Captain asked. Mark went silent. No one told him that. "Mark, if the crew is anything like me, we all love and care for you....well maybe except Mack because he hates everyone and said he would shoot me on sight....but besides that we don't hate you." Captain said will running their fingers through Mark's jet black hair.

"They shouldn't. You shouldn't. I'm a terrible person. I don't deserve any of your smiles or praises. I killed all of us once...what if I do it again?" Mark said finally starting to sob. Captain sighed heavily, "You aren't a bad person, Mark. Trust me I've met some really er-...manipulative people back in my hay day. You aren't them. You are not evil, or undeserving of love. I love you very much Mark and I care about you deeply." Captain then grinned "You're my partner in crime after all."

Mark wiped his eyes, "I care about you too,'s just going to take me some time to get over this." He said with a weak chuckle. Captain nodded "I'm a very patient person. I will wait for you." They nodded. Mark nodded as well and smiled at Captain "What would I do without you, Captain?" He asked. "Hey, can I stay here tonight? I just feel more happy here." Mark asked. Captain nodded "Of course Mark. Stay as many nights as you like. I enjoy having your company!" Captain said happily. "Thanks..." Mark said quietly.

They two went to sleep with the stars in space as a night light. Mark hugged Captain in the bed and yawned "G'night Cap." Captain kissed Mark softly "Goodnight, Mark."

Hehehehehe angst go brrrrr
But yeah probably gonna write more on this book now that my ISWM phase is back, so expect more WaCkY stories like these! Have a great day, and drink your water!
- False <3

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