Darkiplier Headcanons

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Here are some things that I think Dark would do in a relationship!

ALSO, let me know if you want any other ego headcanons!

- Make sure you don't procrastinate. If a deadline is coming up, and he knows you didn't do it yet, he will try his very hardest to get you to not be stressed when the deadline comes. It may annoy you, but it helps you get sleep the night before.

- Fancy dinners at home! For dates, you two don't go out that often. What you do is have Dark or someone else make the most expensive looking food you've ever seen or tasted. Some of the food you don't even know how to pronounce the name of!

- Classical music overload. I have this little headcanon that Dark plays the piano and violin, so in the hallway when you hear music, you like to listen to the tunes through the wall of that room. Sometimes Dark would see your shadow on the wall and know you were listening, and try to play songs he knows very well so you can enjoy the music.

- Not the best therapist. If you have a nightmare or a mental breakdown Dark isn't the #1 support person. He's not good with emotions and apathetic most of the time. So when you go to him about a problem he'll try to make you feel better, but there's a 70% chance it won't do much.

- You mess around with his hair a lot. Even though it get's on his nerve a bit, you like to play with his hair a lot (like braid it, fluff it, or just make it look like a mess)

- Say goodbye to outdoor dates during the winter. Dark is basically dead so he's cold all the time, so during the winter he just sits in front of something warm with 10 layers of blankets on. He allows you to join him, but he will NEVER go outside in the snow. He HATES snow. (Flashbacks to the "DAMIEN" video-)

Hope you enjoyed this small update! Have a great day!

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