Abe x Reader

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Why? Because yes.

Abe sat at his desk looking through the piles of paperwork on his crowded desk. He heavily sighed in a tired tone, wishing he were anywhere else in the world. At least we wasn't lonely...he did have his pet cat, Sammy, to keep him company.

Abe thought about Y/N, his last partner. A sad look crossed his face as he remembered watching them fall to their death, and not being able to save them. His anger and grief was like a heavy shackle that he couldn't get off of him. He wished they were here now...what would they do in this situation?

Sammy's meow snapped Abe back to reality. Abe chuckled softly and pet the small feline as it purred. "Well, Sam, what should I do here?" He asked with a yawn. Sammy looked at him with his head tilted. "I should probably take a break, should I?" He asked himself. Sammy meows again and Abe nods. "Alright then. I'll do the rest tomorrow..." he said getting up from his chair and approaching the window.

The blinds were slightly opened enough from Abe to see the view of the city outside. It was peaceful at night, which he enjoyed. It was a time of silence and daydreaming.

He heard a thud behind him, which made him jump a bit from being suprised. He slowly turned around, and his eyes widened with shock and confused. "P-Partner...?"

Y/N was covered with blood from a gunshot wound, but they were perfectly fine and looked unfazed by the injury. Their clothes from the event were still on, and it brought a wave of strange nostalgia to Abe.

"Abe? Is that you?" Y/N asked walking towards the other slowly. Abe stepped back a little, he looked at Y/N. "I-I'm going insane, aren't I?" He asked softly. Y/N's expression softens as they place their hand on his shoulder. "No, you aren't. I'm here, and strangely not gone yet." Y/N reassured.

Abe lifted his eyes and made eye contact with the D.A. "I missed you, Partner." He said hoarsely, like his voice was going away. Y/N smiled warmly, "I missed you too, Abe. I missed everyone so much." They responded.

Abe looked down at the wound, "Maybe we should get that patched up for you, Y/N." He said with a short laugh.

They reached the bathroom and Abe got a wet washcloth and wiped away the blood from Y/N's clothes. So many emotions flooded him. Confusion, relief, joy, anger, sadness. He felt every single one at the same time. It drove him crazy, but he tried to ignore it.

"How are you feeling?" He asked Y/N. Y/N grinned, "Better now than before, for sure. What about you?" They asked. Abe thought for a moment. "Not sure...I'm just happy you're back. I thought I would never see you again and I-" he was cut off by Y/N hugged him tightly.

Abe took a second to respond, but he returned the hug just as tightly and lovingly at Y/N. He didn't notice that Y/N was crying until he looked down at them. Abe frowned, "Something wrong, Partner?" He said breaking the hug. "I just never thought I'd see someone ever again. Let alone some I love." Y/N said through tears. Abe smiled, "You and me both." He responded.

"Wait, you love me?" He said after realizing what Y/N said. Y/N laughed as they wiped their tears away, "I'll take delayed reaction for 500." They joked. Abe rolled his eyes playfully, "Oh haha." He said sarcastically.

"Yeah, I like you a lot. It was very fun working with you, and you're fun to talk to." Y/N said with a hint of pink on their cheeks. Abe smiled, "I definitely didn't expect this to happen when I woke up this morning." He laughed. Abe honestly felt happy. He didn't feel tired or sad, he felt alive again. Y/N felt the same as well.

"You aren't leaving are you?" Abe asked in a more serious tone. Y/N shook their head, "I don't think I will, and if I do...I'll do everything in my power to make it back to you." Y/N said with unblinking eyes. Abe nodded and blushed a bit, "And I'll wait for you to come back. You know I will." He promised.

"I know you will." Y/N said with a small grin. The room was silent, but it wasn't awkward. As Abe finished up with the wound the two sat there in silence, simply enjoying the each other's presence. "This...is good." Abe said, breaking the silence. "It is." Y/N agreed.

"It's getting late, don'tcha think?" Y/N asked as they glanced at the clock. 12:47 am... "Yeah, it is." Abe nodded. He stood up and offered his hand for Y/N to help them up. Y/N gladly took the offer and stood up. "I'll sleep on the couch over there." Y/N pointed to a couch. "Are you sure? You could always just sleep in my bed. Trust me, it's way more comfortable." Abe said.

"Oh really?" Y/N said as they tilted their head. "That would be ok then." They nodded.
As they both got into bed, the two partners began to doze off into their dreams. "Hey Abe." Y/N said drowsy. Abe opened one of his eyes, "Hm?"
Y/N smiled, "I'm glad I got to see you again." Abe grinned and placed a kiss on Y/N's forehead. "Me too, partner."

Didn't expect this to be so long lmao. But I hope you all enjoyed and have a great day!

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