ANOTHER Mack x Reader

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This one is a bit different from the others so hold onto your hats, friends!

It had to be perfect. It had to be spot on, and fantastic. Everything had to be where it should be, and everyone should be doing their job normally. The Invisible ll will never fall if everyone does their part.

Mack thought that even though the ship is...a bit unstable...he had a job to do to keep this ship from blowing up. Y/N did as well. It came to a suprise for everyone when Mack and Y/N were finally open about their relationship. People kept asking Y/N, "How do you deal with him?" Or "Why would you like someone so...out there?". Y/N didn't like what they said, but they didn't care if people didn't like him. They liked him and that's all that matters to Y/N.

The two pass each other in one of the hallways in the ship. Mack wouldn't stop to talk since the hallways are always so crowded. However, he would give a small greeting like a nod or a "Good morning/Good evening.".
This time he seemed a bit frantic, more than usual. He didn't even notice that Y/N was there, he just sped from one place to the other in a hazy mess.

Y/N was a bit concerned, but they knew that Mack was probably just having a lot of work to do. Being the assistant engineer is a tough job believe or not. Once their work shifts were over, Y/N wanted to make sure to check up on him to see if he's ok or not.

Once the work shift was over, Y/N was true to they're word and made their way over to Mack's room and knocked on the door. "Hey, Mack, it's me." Y/N said with a calm voice. "Oh! Uhh come in." The voice behind the door responded. Y/N opened the door with a smile.  "How's my favorite narcissist?" They asked jokingly with a small chuckle.

Mack rolled his eyes and continued looking at some papers he was previously working on. "What brings you here exactly?" He asked. Y/N closed the door behind them and walked closer to Mack, "Just wanted to make sure you are ok and not burnt out." They explained as they pulled up a chair. "Why would you think that?" He asked making eye contact with the other crewmate.

"You just seem a bit frantic and panicked lately...I don't want you over working yourself." Y/N stated. "Oh please, Y/N! Me? Overworked? I highly doubt it." Mack said with his usual smile. Y/N examines Mack. Dark bags under his eyes, shaking hands, and a mountain of tasks on his to-do list. "Mack, if you need help, I'm always here-" Y/N said before they were cut off by Mack.

"I don't need help, Y/N. I'm completely fine. Everything is perfect. Nothing is wrong! Nothing will ever be wrong! I guarantee!" He said in a rushed tone. It was obvious that he was lying, he wasn't very good at it. Y/N sighed tiredly, "Mack, please. You don't have to hide that your tired. You can take a break! It's not like the ship will blow up without you!" Y/N tried to reassure.

"You don't understand what kind of stat we are truely in, Y/N." Mack said grimly. "Anything could go wrong, and without me it could very well blow up!!" He exclaimed. Y/N's expression changed into a concerned look. "The warp core...something really is wrong with it, huh?" They asked. Mack slowly nodded, "Mark is just denying the fact that all of us could die at any moment." Mack added.

Y/N sighed heavily and looked down on the desk. "So that's why you're always working?" Y/N asked. "Yes. Without me, some idiot could kill us all." He said anxiously. "So I don't rest, I don't 'take breaks', and I certainly won't let that damn core out of my sight." Mack said angrily. He wasn't really mad at Y/N though. He was just mad at the core, and tired.

"I'm exhausted, Y/N, but who on this god forsaken ship will ever have the responsibility to risk their neck for a crew that doesn't even respect them?" Mack asked. Y/N remains silent. "That would be me, of course." He said, answering his own question.

Y/N thought for a minute of what they should say. " least you aren't alone with this knowledge anymore." Y/N said, trying to be optimistic. "I suppose..." Mack sighed. Y/N smiled sadly, "Whatever happens..." they said as the held Mack's hand. "At least we can face it together, right?" They said. Mack nodded, "Of course."

Yes, I over analyze fictional characters, how did you know??

Markiplier Ego Oneshots!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora