Captain, WAKE UP!

604 15 82

Requested by- NatureLilygamer

The captain laid lifeless on the ground like a rock. After being blasted out of the sleeping pod, they were knocked out cold on the ground. Was Y/N, our dear captain, still alive. Not sure.

Mark jumped out of his pod and then laid eyes on the body. He gasped, "Captain!" He ran over to the body to check if their alive. "Their pulse is faint...this isn't good!" He said to himself. He launched for the computer and commanded an emergency meeting.

Red lights blared and a siren screamed as all of the main crewmates enter the room and concern for their unconscious Captain. "My God, the Captain is down!" Gunther yelled and pointed at Y/N. "Yeah, we can see that. Thank you for pointing out the obvious." Mack said while crossing his arms.

"Perhaps the ejection from the sleeping pod was too forceful and they hit their head." Said Celci, examining Y/N's body for wounds. "Thanks, Celci! I knew that way before you did!" Mark exclaimed, refusing to lose to Celci. "They do have a head looks pretty bad." Celci sighed.

"Well, if our poor captain doesn't wake up, and we need a new one, I would be happy to take the responsibility-" Mack said before being cut off by Mark. "Don't talk like that. They aren't dead yet. I will not tolerate that kind of talk while our CAPTAIN is in danger!" Mark said angrily. "Agreed." Burt said with his screwdriver in hand. "Our beloved Captain is the backbone of our voyage. We will never find someone to replace them." Burt added.

"Well said, Burt. Anyway, how do we wake up the Captain exactly?" Gunther asked looking to Mark. "Perhaps we can use an ice pack and put them on a cot or something? Treat their wounds, and let's hope they wake up soon." Mark suggested. Celci reluctantly nodded, "I hate to admit it, but what Mark says is probably our best bet. Just...try to prepare yourselves if they don't wake up." Celci said grimly.

"Oh trust me, Celci, I've been prepared for a while." Mack laughed as he exited the room. Burt sighed. "He needs some hobbies..." Gunther stated.

With the help of Wug, Mark helped get a cot was prepared in the infirmary. Both he and Wug placed the sleeping Captain on the comfy bed as they lay as lifeless as a corpse. "Wug wishes Captain will wake up soon! Wug make cookies yesterday and Wug want them to try it!" Wug said with a tray of cookies in his hands.

"I hope they wake up soon as well, Wug. I really do." Mark sighed. Wug patted the Captain's head and walked away. Mark sat beside the Captain and yawned tiredly, "Wake up, Captain. You can't go out like this. I won't stand for it!" Mark confessed.

A few days pass and the Captain still sleeps in the infirmary. Captain Y/N was being taken care of by both Mack and Celci. It would have been just Mack, but the remarks he made at the meeting made him have to have a supervisor with him. "Celci, you might as well not waste your time here. I can handle a little head injury with basic first AID." Mack said with a cocky tone.

"Not a chance, buddy. Who knows what you're gonna do if I leave." Celci said while shaking her head. Mack chuckled, "I can tell you don't trust me and frankly I don't care if you do, but I'm telling the truth here. Sure, I want to be captain. However, I never was and never will be a murderer, Celci." Mack said while changing out the bandages on Y/N's head.
Celci softly sighed, "I'm still watching you, got it?" Mack nodded, "Of course I got it."

The Captain stirred in their sleep and Mack's eyes widen. A groan was heard throughout the room. " head hurts..." Y/N mumbled in a raspy voice. Celci ran out the door, "I'll go get Mark!" She said while dashing down the hall.  "Mack...?" Y/N said adjusting to the brightness of the room. "The one and only." Mack nodded. "Am I in the infirmary? What happened exactly?" Y/N questioned.

"When you were ejected from your pod, you hit your head and went into a week long coma." Mack said with a blank face. "We're you the one taking care of me?" Y/N said as they tilted their head in confusion. "With minor supervision from Celci, but yes." Mack nodded.

Captain Y/N leaned over and hugged Mack. Mack tensed up and stared down at the Captain. "Did you wash your hands before your coma by any chance??" He questioned. "I think I did." The captain shrugged. Mack sighed and reluctantly hugged back with a heavy sigh. "Just doing my job, Captain." He said as he anxiously patted the Captain on the back.

Mark and Celci came running back into the infirmary after Mack broke away from the hug and coated his hands in sanitizer. "Captain! You're alive!" Mark said hugging Y/N. Y/N hugged back, "Mack told me I was out for a week. Must have been pretty stressful for you..." Y/N said looking guilty, "Don't worry, Cap! I had it under control!" Mark said with a thumbs up.

Wug came running in after hearing the Captain. So did Gunther and Burt. "Wug hope that Captain is hungry for cookies!" Wug said offering a cookie to Y/N. Y/N nodded, "Of course, Wug!" They bit into the cookie and smiled, "So good!" they said. Gunther patted Y/N's shoulder, "Great to have you back, Y/N. I didn't really like the idea of Mack taking over." Gunther laughed.

Mack rolled his eyes at the statement, causing Y/N to chuckle. "Welcome back to reality, Captain. The universe is playing in our favor by keeping you alive." Burt smiled. Y/N nodded and smiled. "Agreed, Burt."

"Just because I just woke up doesn't mean I can't boss you guys around!" Y/N joked. "Back to work everyone! Let's have a special dinner after your work is done!"

When you unconsciously make this oneshot the longest one you've ever made. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed! Enjoy your day! Love you all! 💙

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